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"oh son, it was your choice, you could've made it out alive

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"oh son, it was your choice, you could've made it out alive." the king chuckled as he held up his staff. chanting some spell out, a language none understood.

red luminous light emitted from the tip of the staff as it slowly makes its way around donghyuck's neck and surrounds his whole body. An aching feeling built up in his body.

His body instantly weakens as he winced in pain, he wasn't sure what type of magic this was but it definitely was a skill he had never seen before.

His eyes close and he sucks himself into a deeper place to cope. his fists clenched, he was slowly getting squished by the magic. the magic was doing something to his body, weakening him and pushing pressure onto him.

donghyuck screamed out in agony as the king continued to cast some more spells on donghyuck, speaking fast gibberish none of them could understand.

the tears won't roll down, and the screams won't escape past his quivering lips. The hallucinations would come, but they'd not allow him to react and let the steam go. They'd force the steam to keep burning him, staining him.

watching her lover getting tortured was much more painful than suffering herself, her eyes have frozen over like the surface of a winter puddle, robbing them of their usual warmth.

she choked on her own cries, wishing for everything to just stop and go back to the peaceful days when she didn't have to worry about a single thing. the times where people didn't constantly lie.

the carefree life she had before she turned eighteen was all she wished for, she wished she never needed to fear for the ones coming after her blood.

However, time couldn't be changed, no magician of the highest skills could turn back time. time waited for no one, in a blink of an eye her childhood perished.

"please! i beg you, stop hurting him!" she begged the king to stop hurting donghyuck, seeing him in that devastating state absolutely broke her heart, feeling her heart shatter all over again as she was held back by the chains.

how she wished she could just dash to him and hug him, never letting him go. if she could, she would've. she just wants to be in his embrace, in that warm loving arms of his that gives her a sense of protection.

she bawled her eyes out, her loud dwelling blended into donghyuck's loud groaning and shouting. the two lovers felt so much in pain. despite not having the rings on, they felt as though they could feel each other's pain like they were meant to be - soulmates.

in no time donghyuck would be squished into ashes. donghyuck held out his hand. Pulsing from his fingertips was a strange, bright light. he watched it flicker, changing colors from amber, to ruby, then back to gold.

the spell around his disappeared as donghyuck broke free from his father's magic. his self-healing abilities healed him during the crisis and saved him.

"you...guards! take off his ring!" the king commanded as a whole cluster of guards dashed towards donghyuck as they held onto both of his arms, making sure he couldn't move.

donghyuck struggled knowing without his ring, he would go almost powerless. his vampire powers weren't advanced yet, he couldn't do much.

he never advanced much into his powers since he had always only been fooling around with his magic, not much actual training was given to him. his father was afraid his son would turn against him and use his knowledge.

he was right, his son didn't want to follow him but luckily, his son was no match to him. without his ring, donghyuck was pretty much just a grade higher than normal vampires.

one of the guards slipped donghyuck's ring off his finger making donghyuck groan in annoyance, the guard quickly made his way far from the scene.

hiding donghyuck's ring somewhere far somewhere he could reach, now donghyuck was defenceless, he couldn't defence himself or help yurim. the king knew donghyuck wouldn't be able to defence himself without the ring and so he did what was necessary to win the match that dawned upon the father and son.

he failed himself, he failed yurim. he was supposed to save her out of this nightmare, he was supposed to bring her to safety back to her candy land.

there was no hope left for the two, they had no powers, they couldn't do anything to protect themselves and get out of the dungeon.

hope was little to none, it was impossible for them to escape this whirlwind of danger and trouble. it was the end of the tunnel where everything shuts down into pitch darkness.

 it was the end of the tunnel where everything shuts down into pitch darkness

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i shall pretend i didn't plot all of their miseries 😔

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