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"oh yeah i'm pretty sure you'll have to leave soon my dude , you don't wanna be burnt do you ?" jaemin chuckled

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"oh yeah i'm pretty sure you'll have to leave soon my dude , you don't wanna be burnt do you ?" jaemin chuckled .

"oh yeah , see you soon princess." donghyuck bid his goodbye before leaving the palace to his own .

"wait nana , you're chill with it ?" the princess asked , still shocked from jaemin's response with the whole situation .

not only did jaemin promise to not tell anyone but helped donghyuck get to safety .

"of course , i want you to find happiness and i'm glad you did." jaemin winked , smiling brightly as he got smacked by yurim .

"yah ! there's nothing between us !" yurim scolded as she continued smashing the pillow in jaemin's face .

he blocked the attacks whilst laughing uncontrollably , tears of laughter brimmed his eyes .

"alright , alright if sleeping with a guy in a same bed means nothing then sure." jaemin teased , shaking his head as he left the room .

the princess sighed out of frustration , heading towards her closet to pick out her outfit .

heading downstairs after changing into her outfit . she was greeted by her parents .

"you're meeting with the vampire king today." her mother spit out , avoiding her eye contact .

"what ?" yurim asked , scoffing in absolute disgust and disbelief, "you're just gonna let me go like that ?"

"you know i can't do anything about it ." her mother spoke .

she sighed , heading to the horse stables to get Rapunzel .

she rode her horse to the palace , the familiar gravel path leading to the palace .

she looked up at the magnificent palace before entering , holding onto her heavy heart filled with fear .

upon entering the palace , the king stood in the middle of the room .

it was dark , the only light being from the candles .

"so it's a pleasure to meet you again , princess ." the king smiled devilishly, thinking about his evil little plans .

"i- nice to meet you too ." she greeted , bowing as you took a seat opposite of him in the living room .

"so , you should enjoy your last few moments before ... your death." his voice deepened as he said the last few words .

her eyes widened as sweat swarmed on her forehead ,  she was beyond afraid of what was about to come .

"w-what are you going to do to me ?" she asked , petrified.

"simple, i'll be grilling you in our torture room . i need your sweet sweet blood ." he smiled .

"there's a human grill downstairs. but none of the humans i have consumed were sweet enough . but i found you." he chuckled , his evil side crashing in .

"but- please don't" she pled , her eyes watering with the thought of a torturous death .

"don't worry , you'll be dead before you know ." his malicious laughter rang the room .

" his malicious laughter rang the room

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she bout to be grilled barbecue 🤷‍♀️

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now