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rage filled the princess , her whole life her parents had told her that vampires were the ones who went after them

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rage filled the princess , her whole life her parents had told her that vampires were the ones who went after them .

her parents told her how humans had no say and that's all because of vampires .

but in fact , humans were the one who cause trouble between the two creatures .

"but they lied..." she spoked , disappointment filled her . her eyes gleamed down , her voice trailed with sadness .

"they did ." he looked at her upset state , a sudden wave of sadness hit him too . "but princess , the world isn't just full of rainbows and sunshine . you'll figure that out one way or another." he looked down , remember his past .

his torturous past , he was abused by humans at a young age , that caused the hatred of humans in him .

yet he didn't feel that sense of hatred around the princess .

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry , i really am !" she felt the guilt of the whole village , her heart felt heavy . she was extremely upset as though she had caused it .

"baby , it's okay." he smiled , stroking his fingers through her hair .

"i'm confronting them !" she spoke , determination filled her eyes . a flame of vengeance sparked in her eyes .

"baby , you'll be kicked out of the castle !" he held onto her arm , stopping her from running away to her rash decisions .

"i don't care."

"i'll be there just in case anything happens." he spoke .

"how ? you can't even enter the castle , hyuck." she asked , knowing the royal guards won't be letting any vampires enter the castle .

"shh , don't worry ." he winked , his gaze on hers .

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the princess entered the castle , barging in .

"yah , mom , dad !" she shouted .

her parents stared at her in shock , "honey ! where are your manners ?" her mother spoke , putting down her cup of coffee.

"what are manners ?" she scoffed , rolling her eyes . "what about you ? the two of you hid the truth from me." she folded her arms , leaning against the grand pillar .

"honey , we didn't hide anything from you." her mother spoke calmly as the king shaked his head in disapproval.

"you should not be speaking to your mother like this ." her father spoke .

"so are you gonna confess the truth or not ?" the princess asked , demanding of the truth .

"go to your room , butler jaemin is already in there ." her father spoke , turning around .

"i'm not leaving until you speak the truth." she held her ground , not budging one bit .

"listen , go to your room or you'll know the consequences." her mother spoke .

the princess sighed , walking back to her room knowing the power her mother held .

whilst walking up the stairs , she caught sight of a bat staring at her through the glass panes .

whilst walking up the stairs , she caught sight of a bat staring at her through the glass panes

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renjun said "idgaf" 😌❤️

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