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Sitting on her majestical looking white horse , in which she called , Rapunzel

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Sitting on her majestical looking white horse , in which she called , Rapunzel . The name came from the horse's long blonde hair , which was tied into braids decorated with flowers in ever little section by the princess .

She loved her horse dearly , it was like a family to her . The white horse was beyond loved by the princess , showered with love and affectionate .

Jerking slightly every step the horse took , holding onto the brown leather strip to prevent herself from falling off the horse .

The horse walked on the gravel-liked ground , the path to the vampire's palace .

"Darling , don't be nervous alright ?" The mother spoke to her daughter , the two horses walking side by side , so that the two could talk .

"How am I supposed to keep calm with vampires around ?"

She nodded to her mother's instructions , looking over to her father which was leading at the front . They've brought no guards with them . hence , yurim's awareness level raised incredibly being that no one was there to protect them unlike the other times .

Nearing to the palace , they got off their horses and brought the horses into a stable.

The princess felt anxious once again , looking around quickly , paying attention to details whether relevant or not .

Pulling her dress slightly up in order to avoid stepping on her dress which would lead to falling .

The three humans made their way to the huge door that rose high above , also known as the entrance to the palace .

The door opened , the three walked in , the princess especially looked around cautiously , glancing at everything around her .

a grand chandler hanging from the high ceiling , right in front of the entrance was a grand staircase , grounded with carpet .

the gold and red colour being the main theme color of the room .

"King Jeffrey ?" upon hearing her father's name , the princess turned her head to the direction of the noise .

"yes." The king replied to the guard , the guard nodded and signalled the three humans to follow his lead .

of course the guard was a vampire too but he couldn't lay a finger on the royal three as he would burn .

normal vampires can only suck blood from a normal human with no special identity .

they would burn upon touching the royals , they had a protection glow around them . vampires would burn from touching it since it was like the ray of the sunlight , vampires couldn't be under sunlight .

they could still suck royal human's blood , it's just that they won't be alive after sucking it .

they could still suck royal human's blood , it's just that they won't be alive after sucking it

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