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one person came up to her mind

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one person came up to her mind . he had experienced the same thing she did . The two of them had a special ability no one else had .

Knowing where he'd be right now , he was probably in his coffin re-gaining his energy and strength.

she dressed herself in a black dress , a black dress which was off shoulders , it was short yet it held elegance .

Doing her makeup different from the other times , it'd normally be soft and simple , she's now doing a darker type of makeup , dark red lipstick , dark brown eyeshadow .

she wanted to blend in with the other vampires , and so she did the necessary .

Heading to the stables , she passed by her mother who was still at the couch but now she was joined by yurim's father .

"Where are you going ?" her mother asked , putting down her cup of tea that was now already cold .

The hot steam it had just now completely disappeared .

"To find answers." With the short reply , she headed to the stables .

She stepped on the supporter , helping her get on her white majestic horse .

"Hey Rapunzel , how you doing ?" she winked at the horse as though the horse had understood her , the horse let out a loud neigh of excitement .

The princess smiled , gazing upon her horse that had been with her through thick and thins , the horse was on every adventure with her .

She pat the horse's back gently , signalling her to move forward , they had a special way of communicating .


Nearing to the castle that rose above the trees , the look of the castle completely contradicting what she was used to .

The castle was dark , curtains on every window to block any sunlight from entering . The theme colour being red and black .

She settled Rapunzel in the stable , entering the gates of the Royal building .

"May I help you , princess yurim ?" She was surprised that he remembered her . It was the same guard that was there the last time she came .

"I'm looking for prince haechan."

"may I ask , what for ?" he came off sounded cold , but well , technically they are cold blooded creatures , leaving their natural behavior to be cold and harsh .

"it's just some things that I would like to discuss with him."

the guard shot her an untrusting glare , i mean his job was to protect the royal family and also not allow any intruders from heading in .

but she wasnt just any intruder he could just shove out the door , he still had to respect her since she was the princess .

"Don't worry , i won't do anything. Besides , if anyone were to die , it'd be me . I can't fight him , remember ? I'm just a human." She laughed .

The guard nodded his head , understanding her logic , guiding the princess to the prince's room .

The guard nodded his head , understanding her logic , guiding the princess to the prince's room

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i'm simping for the horse , rapunzel 😌

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