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interrupted by the loud banging on the door , donghyuck growled

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interrupted by the loud banging on the door , donghyuck growled .

"yah lee donghyuck open the door !" his father called out .

donghyuck scoffed , ignoring his father's existence.

his father started kicking the door , the force travelled around the door as it tried to withhold the impact .

the door cracked as the end of its life was about to come , the infuriated vampire gave the door one last kick before the door broke down .

donghyuck pulled the princess behind him ensuring of her safety .

"yah ! hand her over !" his father commanded as he was visibly driven to anger .

anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out.

Nostrils flaring, he stood in the middle of the room , fist clenched at his sides.

his eyes glowed red and so did his veins , the girl was beyond afraid of his devilish appearance .

she gripped onto the material of donghyuck's shirt as she hid behind him . he sneaked his hands behind him to rub her fingers to calm her down slightly .

"go." donghyuck spoke , his blazing glare into his father as though he was about to explode of hot fiery lava .

"hand her over , son ."

"no." donghyuck shot his father a red blaze , surrounding itself around his father's neck , squeezing it .

his father coughed , "h-how could you !" his father used his own magic to get rid of the magical grip around him .

the princess stood there feeling powerless , this was her first time witnessing a magical fight .

"leave." donghyuck raised up his hand and the tips of his fingers glowed orange as a layer of fire emitted from his hand .

the fire shaped itself into a fiery ball of flames , aiming at his father threateningly.

his father himself wasn't stepping back either , the bit of competitive feeling tingled throughout his body .

clenching his fist as it glowed orange as well , a red layer of magical hue formed .

"princess , stay behind." donghyuck whispered in her ears . his once red eyes turned into a soft brown upon the sight of her terrified eyes .

with that , he started shooting the fiery balls towards his father , his father managed to dodge most of the balls but still got a burn on his skin .

the flaming ball hit his skin as the layer of skin started to crack and the fiery burning sensation got sent throughout his body .

he groaned in agony , holding onto his arm that was injured by his own son .

round one , fight

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round one , fight .

okay sorry

bye ;)

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now