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After the girl had stabilized her breathing , her heart rate and basically calmed herself down , they walked back in where they once were

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After the girl had stabilized her breathing , her heart rate and basically calmed herself down , they walked back in where they once were .

Jaemin constantly asking if she was alright , worried that she wasn't .

Once they've entered the ballroom , all eyes were on them . Especially the prince's dark blood curdling stare , his red orbs digging into hers .

The same feeling rising up in her stomach , the spine tingling feeling she'd get when she's feeling unsettled .

A small smile forming on the side of his lips , licking his lips slowly and seductively .

She felt like she could crash down at any point it was all too intense , his stare , his lips ...

"what a pleasure to finally meet you , princess ." The prince stated , bloodlusting eyes , staring deeply into eye hers.

Her eyes were shaking in fear , the moment she had dreaded her whole life .

Of which , meeting vampires. The sinister creature many parents warned the kids about .

The red animal that would suck all your blood out , leaving no sympathy . Having the fact that they're cold blooded animals .

Their dark red piercing eyes , burning holes into human's pathetic little one .

Humans had no say towards them , vampires ruled the world . Humans just waited to be wiped out .

Human's formidable opponent .

"Daughter , why don't you greet the prince ?" Her father asked , concerned of her soundless respond .

"n-nice to meet you too." That wasn't entirely what they told her to say neither was it what they've taught her , but out of panick she had shortened her sentence .

Out of habit , she started to fiddle with her fingers again .

Her terror strikened face stared into his confident cocky ones .

His fangs sticking out again , his eyes redening even more . Making the princess feel even more intimidated .

The prince knew she was afraid of him , and he enjoyed it . He enjoyed the power he had . He enjoyed the fear she gave off .

He enjoyed... the enticing scent of her blood.


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