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"so hey, i heard you were single

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"so hey, i heard you were single." jaemin stood by the cell in the human's dungeon. the cell he was well kept in, built around with the best of metals making it pretty much impossible for him to break out.

jaemin fell unconscious after taking the hits for yurim, however the hits weren't fatal, he was given a few days to retrieve back his consciousness then put and locked away in the dungeon.

the royals made sure to do everything and anything in their might to ensure that he couldn't escape from the cell, he was isolated and hidden away.

for a man whom betrayed the kingdom, it was a huge sin in their book. no man shall survive after betraying. they were holding him hostage due to several reasons.

jaemin was under the book of the ones that committed the biggest of sins and wrong-doings.

however, they couldn't seem to get rid of him. the ones that the queen sent to execute him always came back with an excuse.

therefore, the queen had no choice but to keep jaemin alive for the time being.

only one spark of light from a lantern that was keeping the brightness of the room. the golden rays from the lantern not only brightened up the room but also provide a little layer of warmth- though it was barely affective, it was the only source of heat.

it was cold and icy down in the dungeon, heat was all the way up- which seemed like the furthest place from the underground area. he no longer knew what season it was, all it felt to him was winter.

thinking it was the winter wind, the cold icy breath of mother nature, sending chilling shivers to whomever that wonders around in its path.

he was given a few crumps of food to live of from- a few stale bread with one small drip of water. stingy pretty much, jaemin was given the worst treatment in the dungeon.

he'd rather be a slave then having to survive with little food and water. starvation and thirst would've probably killed him. besides, he didn't have any blanket or fabric to keep him warm.

he was only given a thin layer of loose-fitting clothes made out of woollen cloth. it was far from the suits he used to wear when he worked with the royalty. the silk and linen he used to wear when he wasn't an enemy of the kingdom was far off from the ones he wore when he decided to turn against the kingdom.

his brown hair was all messed up in results of the several months of not giving it any type of styling yet he never once looked bad in his lifetime- jaemin could be dressed and made to look the worst yet he still looked so made-up and perfect; his surreal features could never make a man look bad.

he would always stand out from the crowd but never did he once brag about his looks, he was always humble and kind. He had learnt to look up to the ones that helped him- yurim.

jaemin stood there confidently, leaning against the wall as his arms interlocked each other- displaying obvious confidence.

throwing his flirty remarks to each and every guard that passed and inspected the area, his sweet words were silent knives.

he would attempt to use his flirting skills he had adapted when he was trying to teach yurim how to flirt with donghyuck against the guards.

it would've been a lie if the guards weren't affected by his fatal attacks of remarks, they were all flustered when they had to deal with jaemin.

never had they once seen a man like him, unique he was. the guards would always push the job to someone else not wanting to face jaemin whom would always make them lose track of work.

jaemin was one of a kind, though he didn't mean it when he complimented the guards, he still did it in order to survive.

it was true that several guards was affected by jaemin's remarks, they ended up giving jaemin a little bit more than what they were supposed to give- extra pieces of bread, more water and sometimes even some extra pieces of cloth to warm himself up with.

it was true that several guards was affected by jaemin's remarks, they ended up giving jaemin a little bit more than what they were supposed to give- extra pieces of bread, more water and sometimes even some extra pieces of cloth to warm himself u...

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y'all really thought i would make my baby boo die 😏

y'all really thought i would make my baby boo die 😏

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