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Uneasiness , terror was all she could feel

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Uneasiness , terror was all she could feel . Ice cold sweat gathering at her temples .

Wrinkling her forehead , eyebrows slanting towards each other .

It was a nightmare , another nightmare . The horrific sight of being bitten by a vampire .

Her red blood flowing out of her neck , screaming in agony . Crying for mercy . Immense pain attacking her , feeling as though her soul was floating out of her .

Feeling trepidation , she scanned the room , paranoid of something... someone.

she gazed out of her see-through curtains , r
that was moving ever so slightly . It was dark out , the only source of light being the moonlight .

The moon in its perfect form , as round as a marble . Shining on down on the dark silent night .

It was 4 am in the morning , she debated on what to do .

Trying to fall back into slumber , yet to no avail .

She got of her bed , slipping on her panda slippers swiftly . The extra cotton piece giving her warmth .

She walked to her balcony , gazing down at her favorite place , the garden .

"a stroll at the royal garden would be relaxing , wouldn't it ?"

No one was going to see her anyways , therefore , she went to the garden in her snug pajamas .

exiting the palace , well not fully . just the garden at the back , it was still near to the palace .

Grand arches , a fountain and several winsome flowers .

The different colours of flowers , appealing to her eyes .

She sat on one of the many benches , the cold air slightly caressing her face , playing around with her hair .

She rubbed her arms , attempting to warn herself .

"What are you doing all alone here , princess , aren't you afraid ?" A voice spoke , walking out from the darkness .

The familiar face , the same sharp fangs and dark red orbs of his .

"H-haechan ?" She felt jittery again , her stomach feeling weird , an uneasy feeling .

"Where are your manners ? Is that how you greet a prince ?" He walked over to her , standing right in front of her .

She gulped , his tall figure shone above her , the height difference was even more - she was seated whilst he was standing up right .

"Aw , forgot how to speak again ? Aren't you just the cutest . I bet you'll be tasty ." He said almost sweetly , caressing her jawline . Looking at the princess with lustful eyes .

Licking his lips in hunger . The nerve wreaking feeling building up  inthe girl's body , out of habit she started fiddling with her fingers .

"But , it's not time yet ."


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