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donghyuck pulled her to him , the distance of the two closed in , his lips drove to hers

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donghyuck pulled her to him , the distance of the two closed in , his lips drove to hers .

this time , she didn't push him away , her heart knew who it wanted and that was him , her mind a mess . she listened to her heart , her feelings .

He bent down, his lips against her lips , brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble. "If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When she still said nothing, he brushed his lips against her again .

Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. she wants to pull away before she lose myself but she can't seem to...In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she can no longer think straight.

"yurim" he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. she smiled , her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before had her name ever felt so wonderful a one.

the love ignited from the air , the two smiled as their hearts beat in sync , the power they now hold when they're together .

the two felt the drain in their energy without each other and that bright lift when they were together .

that feeling felt so ethereal , it didn't seemed to be real , everything didn't seemed like real life , it felt like she was still in a long dream .

"what are you two doing ?!" yurim's mother shouted as she saw the horrific sight of the vampire kissing her own daughter .

a new flood of guards came rushing in as the previous ones were unconscious.

they rushed up the stairs to where they were , the flood was too big so donghyuck couldn't just use his powers to throw them away since if he were to , he'd probably collapse the palace alongside .

the two were stuck in place , unknowing of what to do , looking at each other helplessly .

"oh hey ! i haven't talk to you in a while , have you eaten your meals yet ?" the voice emerged from one of the room , walking towards the guards .

distracting the guards from their objective , "hey hey hey look here when i'm talking." jaemin spoke .

the butler had conversations with the guards as he signalled the two to run away , taking the opportunity, the two fled away successfully with the great help of his .

"wait , they're gone !" the guards spoke , pointing to the empty gap behind the butler that once stood the two .

"oh who's gone ? wait so i was talking about you know how cute puppies are ? like i'm pretty sure they're actually cute aliens in disguise ." jaemin continued his never ending stories and conspiracies .

"argh get out of the way , useless butler !" the head guard pushed jaemin down , searching around for the two .

"useless butler they say , pfft who cares ! at least i'm not some dickhead ." jaemin talked to himself as he laughed at his own words .

" jaemin talked to himself as he laughed at his own words

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everyone say "thank you jaemin" 😌

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now