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"the four elements?" she asked , donghyuck looked at the girl which eyes held confusion

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"the four elements?" she asked , donghyuck looked at the girl which eyes held confusion .

he sighed looking at the girl who had little knowledge about magic and elements .

he walked to another bookshelf , labeled "elements" and took out yet another old looking book .

"there are four elements that represented each creature ." he flipped through the pages .

to a page which held a picture for all four elements.

"earth , the representative of the earth element is humans ." he spoke , pointing to the picture of the earth element.

"fire , the representative of the fire element is non other than vampires ." he pointed at the picture of the fire element.

"water , the representative of water being the sea creatures more specifically the deadly mermaids and mermans ."

"deadly mermaids and mermeans ?" she asked , shocked to hearing the opposite of what she had known .

mermaids and mermans were known to be extremely attractive and kind hearted .

"the truth is , they're extremely deadly and unkind . they have no mercy they don't look good either." he smirked seeing her expression . she was beyond shocked .

"air , fairies . fairies represents the air element ." he pointed at a drawing of a fairy .

"woah damn , they're pretty." she gazed at the pictures of fairies .

"you're prettier ." he winked , tucking a piece of hair behind her ear .

"gosh hyuck when will you stop flirting?" yurim sighed , walking away , exploring more of the magical library that intrigued her .

"rim come back !" he chased after her , interlocking his fingers with hers .

she jolted in shock to the skin contact .

"hyuck—" her sentence got cut off from the glorious light that emitted from the room .

the room glowed yellow and purple .

"what's this ?" she asked , staring at the bright room .

"it's when the sun and moon collides , love." he spoke , looking down at their interlocked fingers .

"but aren't we supposed to be enemies ?" she asked , tilting her head slightly due to her curiosity .

"we aren't , it's just they made it seemed like so." he sighed , walking to the center of the large room .

"who ?" she asked .

"our parents ." he looked at the girl , his dark piercing eyes darted into hers .

"vampires never wanted to hurt humans , love ." he spoke , inching closer to the girl .

he lined his fingers on her jawline , stroking it gently .

"humans were the ones who were after us , and out of self defence , we sucked their blood ." he smiled sadly , looking at the girl's dolled eyes .

"humans wanted to hunt us down , half of the vampires got wiped off thanks to humans executing them with the sunlight ." he sighed , his fingers rubbed circular movements on her soft cheeks .

"i'm sorry.." she lowered her head , she didn't know humans were the ones who attacked . the creature she hated infact was the victim .

"it's not your fault , love." he smiled , lifting up her chin , placing a soft kiss on her cheek .

humans should chill out for awhile dang 😔 acting like i'm not one of them 👀

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humans should chill out for awhile dang 😔 acting like i'm not one of them 👀

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