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upon entering the room , she sighed , heading to the comforts of her bed

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upon entering the room , she sighed , heading to the comforts of her bed .

"princess..." jaemin spoke , sensing something wrong with her mood .

"jaemin , go away ." her harsh voice stabbed knives into his heart . he understood she may need the alone time so he proceeded to leave .

"if you need anything i'll be at the butler's room." jaemin spoke before turning the door knob .

she sighed , alone .

silence .

she felt like many things were hidden from her , she didn't want to trust anything anymore .

the same bat flew and stopped by her balcony.

the bat knocked itself against the glass door .

"is this bat trying to do self suicide or something ?" she asked herself , laughing .

she headed to the balcony door , sliding it open making a little creaking noise .

the bat flew in .

a black smoke emitted from the bat , the smoke soon disappeared as the bat turned into its vampire state .

"oh hyuck—" she gasped .

"hey there , cutie ." he winked , earning a scoff from the princess .

"you look disgusting." she pointed at his lips that was littered with blood .

"that was harsh ." donghyuck spoke , wiping away the blood that was on his lips . "i just had a little snack before i came here." he informed .

"did you suck some human's neck ?" she questioned , walking over to her bed .

"no , i'm a loyal man ." donghyuck assured , heading to where the princess was headed .

"what do you mean , hyuck." she laughed , tucking herself in the warm covers .

the male followed her , hovering over her . her eyes widened , she didn't expect anything . thus , his sudden move shocked her .

"you're mine." he placed a moist kiss at her neck , making tingles ring up her body .

"your beautiful neck is mine ." he sniffed the same area , the alluring sweet scent made him act up .

he wanted so badly to suck all the blood out of her , wanting to drink that sweet sweet liquid that'd satisfy him beyond dreams .

she whimpered in fear , knowing what he was capable of . she couldn't do anything to stop him from his desires .

"baby , you look delicious." he commented , pressing butterfly kisses on her ear as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear .

his lust blinded him , his eyes glowed red . twitching slightly as his fingers travelled up her waist . placing his teeth at her neck .

the sharp teeth brushed against the skin of her neck , shivers sent up her spine - she shivered to his cold touch .

fear arose in her .

fear arose in her

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damn . your thoughts on this book so far ? 👀

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