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"please...stop! don't hurt her anymore!" donghyuck's throat was about to burst in due to dehydration yet no pain was worse than the sight of his lover being tortured across from him.

he had to watch her scream for help and every second she'd shed a tear, that sight absolutely broke his heart more than anything.

he was chained up, leaving him useless and of no help to her. he hated how he had no power, he could only watch from a far and plead for his lover's life.

"such fools, how unlawful of you. this is a sin, being in love with her is a sin, son." the king laughed, his dark chuckling was the sound donghyuck hated the most.

he hated that sinister voice of his, it was like an annoying buzz from a bee. an annoyance to him, knowing how much his father had done only left him in disgust.

his father wasn't even fit to be a king anymore, he was a misfit. he wasn't meant to be such an evil person, he was crowned as the king of vampire only to rule his kingdom. not torture his own son and his lover till death reached the door step.

the king of vampires would definitely have trails of immoral and wicked behaviour but not entirely to the point he'd torture one so much that they wished for death instead.

that was the devil's job, the devil was the one who was supposed to do such torturing yet the king had it in the bag.

"that's because you don't know love. have you ever loved mother ? you used her." donghyuck spat out as he hissed at his own father in despise.

he knew that his father had never once loved his mother, she was just used by him. he needed a queen in order to be a king and so he used her to his advantage.

he'd do just anything for his own success, selfish and narcissistic of him. he didn't care about a single thing for the people he had used.

donghyuck hated that wicked man infront of him, all his acts and how he had tried to influence him, how he wished he could just take out his father's whole existence.

"shut it." the king scolded as he proceeded to tighten the grip around the princess's neck. slowly injecting his strength onto her skin.

she collapsed down as her skin under his fingertips were splitting, her eyes filled with an abundance of tears. the king had sucked out every bit of her energy out of her, leaving her weak, so weak.

she shouted and begged for everything to stop, she screamed in agony, her face closed in a grimace, her skin pale and clammy.

Every few minutes she would scream, not like one of those screams from a movie, but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit. Then she would go quiet, just panting.

her eyes would meet his just before closing it again to catch a breath, and every time she did, it'd only pierce a blade into his heart.

seeing her in that state wasn't favourable in all means, her eyes that would dull down in due to her mixed up feelings on the inside.

they were going through all of the torturing only because of love. true love blinded them, they weren't willing to give up love just to survive.

what's the point of surviving if they didn't have true love? donghyuck found his true love and once he set his heart onto something, he'll devote his entire soul and mind to it.

love was something not everyone could experience, only the luckiest would find. soulmates were told to be a myth, but true loves were pretty much equivalent to soulmates.

they could communicate with the simplest of action, just by thinking of something, the other would receive the signal.

nevertheless, was true love worth the sacrifice ? the sacrifice of so much. he gave up might and power for her and she gave up the crown of a princess for him.

they believed if they trust in the love that was built up between them, they could get past any wall no matter the size together. they will break down the wall and demolish it of it's existence.

they gave out the keys to their heart to each other and claimed each other as the official owner of their hearts.

they gave out the keys to their heart to each other and claimed each other as the official owner of their hearts

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well well isn't this cute ? that's until they die 😏

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now