» 11

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He stared his dark red orbs into her eyes , his hand lifting itself up moving itself to her petite waist

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He stared his dark red orbs into her eyes , his hand lifting itself up moving itself to her petite waist .

She jolted up in surprise , his cold fingers against the soft fabric that covered her skin .

He smiled devilishly , seeing the way she was , the side of his lips creaking up into a smirk .

Amused by how she reacted to his every touch , her little emotion changes .

He slowly moved to the music , taking steps left and right .

The girl slowly followed the beat , following his steps as the two danced in sync .

He held her hand , in which she was scared of at first but felt as ease the longer they danced , sinking into the music .

Not caring about the fact that the guy in front of her could literally kill her in one malicious bite .

He loved the way she moved , how she moved with him , the steps she took gracefully , like an elegant swan .

He enjoyed her company as well , yet it was tempting for sure .

He was tempted by the smell of her blood , it was the sweetest in the room.

The young royal blood was sweeter than the average human beings . Thus , she was way more sweet and attractive to him .

many wanted the royal princess for obvious reasons . Hunting her down for a sweet treat .

It was hard for him to keep himself away from injecting his sharp fangs into her neck , the tempting sensation burning his insides .

Wanting to dig his fangs into her neck , sucking on her sweet blood . oh how godly that would taste .

all he wanted was to taste her , taste her sweet blood , her sweet red liquid that would be absolutely heavenly for him .

the taste of the flavour he loved . the vampire was filled with bloodlust . He wanted to hear her cries for mercy , the sweet sounding of her voice .

He focused his attention back to her instead of his lustful thoughts .

The girl hummed softly to the music , closing her eyes , fluttering her long eyelashes down , flowing into the music , the calm and soothing music with a semi beat for them to follow along .

The two stepped in sync following each other , turning slightly every step .

The vampire looked at the princess , she was beyond beautiful . She was pleasing , alluring to his eyes .

She was such a prepossessing sight .

His eyes stayed opened , staring into her closed ones . enjoying every moment .

hyuck is such a hot vampire-  👀

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hyuck is such a hot vampire- 👀

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now