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she couldn't believe what she was seeing, donghyuck bleeding to death all because of her

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she couldn't believe what she was seeing, donghyuck bleeding to death all because of her. if only if she didn't try to pick love, how selfish it was of her. if only if he didn't save her and let her rot to death, he'd still be alive.

he wouldn't have to go through all the pain that had crawled to him after being released from the depths of the hell everyone was scared of.

it was all her fault, or that's what she thought. she blamed herself for everything- ever since she was young, she had low self esteem due to her mother's hurtful words.

her mother had always blamed her and scolded her, saying how she was the cause of every misfortune. at first the castle was successful until yurim was born.

the princess that was born made everyone think it was a fortune yet it only led misfortune upon the kingdom. the one that everyone thought would bring luck and all the riches to the kingdom only cursed the kingdom of everlasting misfortunes.

"hyuck, please ! stop hurting him ! please take my life instead !!" she desperately crawled her way towards the king, tears pathetically falling out of her eyes.

the vampires tried to hold her down but the flaming passion to bargain with the king pushed her forward- it didn't matter if she was bleeding, it didn't matter that she was dragging herself, no matter how pathetic she looked, she had to fight for her lover's life.

"why...why do you do this ?!" she cried and cried, knowing she'd be no help to him. all she could do was beg, she gripped onto the king's leg before inserting her teeth into his skin.

"fuck ! what the hell ?" the king turned around, he kicked yurim with force that sent her flying. he observed the bite mark that was made by her.

he was furious. he wanted to do something against her. however, there was a type of liquid that was seeping out of the injury.

"what's this ?! answer me !" he grabbed onto her cheeks, pushing force onto it making her mouth open forcing her to speak up.

her mouth was green- the same colour of the liquid that was seeping out of the injury. she smiled before chuckling, her face turned pale as her eyes drops down.

"it's poison."
"i drank it, to kill you."
"even if i die...i'll bring you with me."

she giggled, never did she once sound so wicked and immoral. the sweet innocent image of her was long washed down the drain.

"you- you're a monster too." the king shook his head, seeing the green liquid slowly pass through all of his veins before transmitting over to his brain and his heart.

he felt weak, searing fiery bursts pulsated around the wound, intensifying with each dragging step, jarring and brutal. With each step the pain amplified, the bloody muscle quivered, his consciousness ebbed.

it was known that the poison had taken effect on both of them. they were both on the death bed, the one who blamed herself for absolutely everything only disregarded herself to make the bold sacrifice of killing both herself and the villain of the story.

donghyuck pushed the vampires away as he collapsed onto the floor, holding onto the cold shivering body of his lover felt unreal- he couldn't believe it was all happening.

the poison she drank was something so powerful and irreversible, once it's drank or put upon, it can't be eased or removed. the after effects would take place in just a few seconds- death.

something about her, possibly the dying urge to listen to donghyuck's voice one last time kept her alive longer than she was supposed to be.

"why did you do that, idiot." donghyuck scolded, having tears drowning his vision really didn't help him hold up the strong and emotionless image of his.

"we did it !" she smiled, she gave him a sheepish smile only to remind him of his first encounter and that very moment was about to be their last.

"you did it, my love." donghyuck caressed her face, tracing her perfect features that made him fall so so hard in love.

"now live for me, live the life i've always wanted to live."
"don't be stupid, you'll survive."
"i wish, i love you."
"baby please ! i love you ! i love you so goddamn much !"

tears uncontrollably drizzled down his cheeks and onto her chest, she could only give him a sad smile before closing her eyes slowly in peace- she was satisfied upon hearing the mention of the words she wanted to hear, "i love you."

"no baby ! please princess... please please please reply to me ! answer me like you used to always do ! please !" he shouted and shouted, desperate for a reply from the sweet sweet mouth of hers he used to always give passionate kisses to.

"you promised...you promised we'd make it out together." donghyuck let out a loud cry, even those of the other kingdom could hear him. his brown eyes quivered before turning a bloody red.

he was angered, upset, sorrowful all in one. he was a mess, a frantic mess. he didn't know what to do, his veins were popping out from all the harsh crying he did. his eyes was all red and dry.

his whole body shook, he couldn't feel anything anymore. he felt so much pain, all gathered up in one spot- his heart.

 he felt so much pain, all gathered up in one spot- his heart

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ah shit i'm crying.

okay i'm having a breakdown.

heyy...i have deep connections w my characters :(

i'm about to call jaemin for emotional support :(

here's a gif to hopefully cheer you up 🥺

here's a gif to hopefully cheer you up 🥺

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it's not the end yet ;)

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