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the two was forced to the very side of the tower , her legs started to weaken as she realised the height she was at

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the two was forced to the very side of the tower , her legs started to weaken as she realised the height she was at .

one of the guards went forward as he used his weapon - sharp rusted edges , the tip of the sharp spear could easily graze open the skin of any human .

as he lifted his weapon to hit the princess , jaemin lunged himself towards the guards , hitting away the weapon .

another one of the guards spiked the spear towards jaemin's arm , then another hit at his calf .

forcing jaemin to kneel down , pain erected from his legs , gushing through his body .

he groaned as the guards continued attacking jaemin, the one whom took all the hits for the princess .

the guards took one last fatal hit at the back of jaemin's head , causing him to fall completely . he let out a breathy cry of help , his screams of agony , cries of pain drowned her with guilt and anger .

sharp pain lanced through his head and colorful spots flashed in front of his eyes, it felt like his whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache , trying to sort out his thoughts yet none could process .

he bit his trembling lips , wincing in pain yet he managed to pull a smile on his lips to the princess that was now in a state of shock .

his head spun , all his thoughts being distorted - the system that kept his conscious faded , feeling his every sense slow down before his eyes slowly closed shut .

her eyes shifted around , then it soon got filled with tears , collapsing down onto her knees . feeling that overwhelming feeling , "j-jaemin!"

tears streamed down in such generous amounts , her lower lips quivered as she repeated her best friend's name .

"you said you'd never leave me!" she shouted , at that moment , she felt the time had stopped , her heart sank .

the tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks and dripped from her chin. She was too sad to cry out or wail, she just stood there as still as a statue while the magnitude of her loss swept over her.

"you promised..." her soft tone almost like she had never spoken those words , her fist clenched as anger and agony filled her mind .

she remembered all the past events , the past memories they created and stored up together .

he was there whenever she needed , he promised to never leave her the day he decided to stay by her side .

he protected her from anything and everything . jaemin was the boy with a generous heart , he would put everyone before himself , he was selfless .

he'd always care and protect the ones he love , he didn't care much about himself . he loved her as a little sister , he always did .

he was happy to know she found someone and made sure donghyuck was the right one . knowing that made his heart at ease .

knowing the one he loved and took care of finally had someone , she had finally found her happiness .

he didn't seek for love , he didn't ask for happiness . all he wished for was her and her happiness . seeing her happy , makes him happy .

neither the guards nor the queen had a bit of sympathy for the princess , not even giving her a break from the disaster that struck .

the guards continued their attack , moving forward towards her , shoving the spear towards her abdomen.

in a time of fear and panic , she jolted backwards , slipping down the side of the curved side .

for that moment , her heart stopped , feeling her body fall backwards into nothing - the air that did no protection .

she squinted her eyes as the time slowed down , feeling her body and her soul slowly fade , the fear that had stuck her was unexplainable.

she felt every part of her body melting into the abyss of darkness ; a place of nothing but bad .

knowing she was going to hit the ground that would be deadly - the impact would instantly cause death upon her .

the memories she had with the people she loved came flooding back , a crashing wave of violent tsunami.

the time she first met donghyuck , the one whom she thought she'd never have feelings for , turns out through twisted and turns of events , the two became lovers with the same dream ; loving each other .

her best friend whom stayed by her side , na jaemin . he cared for her more than her parents did . he was the comping she needed , the one whom she trusted her everything with .

lastly , the memory of the people that she once trusted and once loved . what she once thought was a rainbow turned out to an abyss of betrayal and lies .

she took a last breathe , one last exhale . however , it wasn't the hard ground she hit , it was the warmth of loving arms that surrounded her body .

flying in the air , away from the palace to somewhere shaded , she couldn't even process what had happened and the fact that she didn't meet the grim reaper yet .

she slowly opened her eyes , looking at the view of his chiselled jawline , the face she loved .

to her dismay , he wasn't in the best state , he was burning in the sunlight , seeing his face wince though he attempted to look tough .

the scene unlocked a part of her memory she had forgotten , a near death experience of the same scenario.

( f l a s h b a c k )

she was a young girl who had a load of curiosity, she wanted to know how the town looked from a view above .

she walked to the tower , but the ground was slippery , and since she was playing about , she slipped off the balcony which didn't have any protection around it since no one was allowed to enter .

it was too quick , everything went by so fast , thinking she'd fall to her death though she didn't .

she didn't get the chance to see who saved her , she didn't get to see who or what protected her .

( end of flashback )

was it him ? did she finally discover the man whom she wondered of , the one she had no idea the identity of , was it donghyuck ?

he was her knight in a shining armour .

woah that's hella lots of events that happened in a chapter 😔

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woah that's hella lots of events that happened in a chapter 😔

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