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"what's that?" yurim pointed at a shine that had emitted from the midst of the dark clouds

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"what's that?" yurim pointed at a shine that had emitted from the midst of the dark clouds .

catching donghyuck's attention , "i'm not sure." he squinted his eyes , the shine becoming more enchanting as it slowly gravitated towards them.

they were unsure of what this magical light meant , never had they seen something like this before .

the light gravitated even slower everytime it neared , and when it was right in front of them , they felt enchanting almost hypnotised by it .

the glow wrapped itself around their bodies and in one swift of an eye , they were teleported someone far .

fear arose in her , feeling that uneasy feeling churning in her stomach , she clung onto donghyuck just for safe measures .

"what happened , where are we ?" she pondered on her mountain of questions , selecting a few and throwing them out .

she was anxious , that was for sure . she was unknown to any magic related sorcery .

"my dear , calm down." a voice emitted from the bright glow , his appearance spelt out wizard . his long dangly white moustache with his long dress-liked cape alongside his magic wand.

if he were to be in a cartoon for sure he'd be in a disney cartoon .

"who are you?!" yurim jolted , hiding behind donghyuck who seemed to be unfazed by everything .

"he's the four elements ." donghyuck spoke calmly , bowing as a form of greetings .

yurim was hesitant but moved forward and gave him a bow , though she still felt unsafe she knew he was of no harm .

"honey , in fact it's six elements now." the almighty one corrected , heading to his throne-liked chair , the whole room surrounding them was of gold .

it was nearly like heaven ; bright , filled with gold and shine . the feeling was indeed ethereal .

"there's two new elements , and it's the two of you." he spoke as he flipped through his book , the book that has been around for thousand and million years .

"u-us ?" yurim was confused , what element would she be ? she didn't even know much about elements to begin with , let alone being one element.

"the two new elements, the sun and the moon which is the two of you." he spoke , writing down some notes in his book , his cursive handwriting made impossible for any human beings to read .

"wait i thought i was given the powers , not the actual moon ?" she looked up at him with all her questions piling up .

"darling , as your power grows , the more you'd become a moon , not to worry you won't be the moon just , control it ." he explained .

"i can control the moon ?" she clasp her hands together in excitement , all the way from the time she was a little girl , she had always wanted powers .

however , people around her told her that no human can acquire powers .

"not yet , the two of you are still pretty new to your powers ." he looked at donghyuck who was standing there quietly .

"why so quiet ?" the question made donghyuck come back to his senses , blinking twice as fast .

"oh just thinking." donghyuck replied. pulling yurim closer to his body with a swift arm movement .

"oh hey , i haven't gotten your name yet!" yurim smiled , wanting to get to know him better .

"it's johnny, my dear."

john- i mean wbk ;)

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john- i mean wbk ;)

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