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"jaemin you did it ! you saved him

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"jaemin you did it ! you saved him..."

"...jaemin ?" she stumbled back down onto the floor to realise that her best friend had been taken away in the midst of enjoying herself.

feeling selfish, she let out a scream. a scream desperate of forgiveness and reassurance. that led her to dart towards the king, she didn't care if she didn't have power- her ring wasn't on her.

she gripped onto the king's collar, in the rash moment, she pummelled her fist into the gem that was hung on his neck.

the gem broke into pieces, the shattering sound brought back her consciousness. right then she realised what she had just done.

that only made the king even more infuriated by the disgusting little human being, the hatred for her turned into anger and power only making the king even more strong.

"shit, you've angered him." donghyuck protectively swayed the princess behind him. the very scene reminded her of that time jaemin did the same thing to her and took the bullet for her.

she didn't want the history to repeat itself, it was about time she took the bullet she was supposed to take since day one. she's sick of always having people to take it for her, it hurts.

"leave. save jaemin."
"silly, i can't do that. i love you and i won't let him hurt you."

the king couldn't bare seeing any more of the romantic novel that was unfolding before him. he wanted to end it all, even if that meant killing the princess and his son.

he took out a bottle of poison he had secretly been working on with the highest of wizards to finally make the power. the poison which could bring death upon anyone- the person would perish in the most painful way possible.

he was saving it for the last battle- the finale. it seemed like the day have came, the long awaited final battle.

"say goodbye, my son." the king chuckled before using his demonic hand to grip onto donghyuck's neck. with one powerful smash, the king threw donghyuck across the place.

yurim gasped when donghyuck's back hit the wall so hard the bricks started to crack. he let out a deafening groan, she could feel the same pain by just the sound of his voice.


the king laughed maniacally as her face slowly turned pale, he looked horrifying indeed- his fangs poking out as his face was stretched out, veins popping out. his eyes a bloody red.

the king grabbed her by the collar as he signalled his three vampires that stood by him to hold donghyuck down.

as donghyuck tried to crawl back to her, he was once again pinned down by the vampires that used to work for him.

"let me go you bastards!" donghyuck spat, anger taking over his body yet he was still weak and couldn't do much.

after all, he had been dehydrated for the past few weeks and so was the princess. he was hungry for blood but the only source of blood in that place was his very own lover and he'd never want to lay a fang on her.

"you're so disgusting, just like your mother."
"don't call me that."
"feisty, aren't you ?"
"i'm not like her."
"all of you humans are, you're all selfish."

the king threw yurim down onto the floor, the sound of bones cracking echoed as she hit the ground. the floor had a hole carved due to the impact. she groaned in pain, arching her back due to the immense feeling of discomfort.

"y-you are the selfish one." yurim fought back, unwilling to lose. she didn't want to be "pathetic" which was what they'd describe humans as.

"i'd recommend you to save your breath for later. i'll let you watch your little lover boy crush into pieces." the king chuckled before signalling the vampires to hold her down onto the floor.

he halted to a stop in front of his son, he was calm whilst his son was giving him the glare that spoke out his heart- anger and disgust was seen.

"you disgust me." donghyuck glared at his father, he would've pummelled thousand and thousand of punches in his way if he could. however, it was an unfair battle, he was held down by the vampires.

the king took donghyuck by the collar and continuously threw him to the wall, every time his back would hit the wall, his muscles would tighten and his eyes would get teary.

each hit would only cause him more pain, at this point, he was spitting out blood. he would occasionally make eye contact with his lover only to see her crying and sobbing at the sight.

she was held down by a bunch of vampires since she was getting quite aggressive with the previous few, her neck was slammed down, forcing her to look at him.

she was powerless there, she couldn't do anything but look at him spit out blood every time he got smashed into the wall. she cried and cried hoping for everything to restart.

if love was so painful, she'd wish for donghyuck to find someone else- another princess that wouldn't have caused him so much pain.

ngl, i'm getting emotional

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ngl, i'm getting emotional.

shit y'all aren't ready for the next chapter 😔

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