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an urge pulling her to the palace's garden , it seemed as though yurim would never learn her lesson

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an urge pulling her to the palace's garden , it seemed as though yurim would never learn her lesson . it was the middle of the night once again .

where the vampires were the most active , the time where most vampires were wide awake and hunting .

she sat at the bench distanced in the garden , her feet rubbing on the ground ever so slightly as she swayed her body along with the night wind .

the wind came to her so boldly, touching her skin. In coldness it rouses her to wakefulness, an alertness that lets her savour the moments in dryness and rain just the same.

In soft breezes it is finer than silk, smoother than water. In the gales it sings through the trees, sending loose leaves on a dancing funfair ride, hypnotic, beautiful.

the soft susurration of the leaves that have been her lullaby through the night became a fierce rustling, loud enough to drown out the chorus of the birds. She sat up and brushed the leaf litter.

In her experience, all eighteen years of it, the wind did not arrive all of a sudden. It should build up gradually and it should weave through the tree trunks a least a little .

her hair swayed in the wind , playing and dancing around with it . she closed her eyes in relaxation.

nothing could calm her more than the natural wind , she absolutely loved how calming and soothing the wind was .

feeling relaxation spread across her body , her once teased shoulders slumped down .

to her dismay , her time of relaxation was over just like that with the interruptions of a hungry growl .

the beastly creature looked at the princess , "you must be the princess..."

the vampire with no special capabilities spoke , "well, i'm getting executed soon so why not have a tasty meal before that." the devilish smirk on his face bringing cold shivers throughout her body .

Once again fear found her. It spoke to her in its cackling voice. It told her legs to go weak, her stomach to lurch and her heart to ache. yurim's mother once told her that there was nothing to fear but fear itself, but still she could not silence its voice.

her palms were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through her system was shutting down her ability to think logically. she wanted to run or beat the living daylights out of him, either would do.

"you think highly of yourself, don't you ?!" the princess spoke out , standing her ground .

though she appeared to be confident on the outside , she was incredibly intimidated on the inside .

"indeed i do." the vampire laughed , evil rubbed his hands together in that classic way villains do, he wasn't about to pretend to be anything other than what he was.

He enjoyed it, he enjoyed making worthless humans feel intimidated , taking more power was only a game. he was sent under execution after attempts of hurting the vampire prince in order to take his place .

the vampire's desire grew , blinded by his only goal - be the next king . being the king of Lustiana would be a dream come true .

being the one whom held possession over every vampire and human .

he was known to be the leader of a gang of vampires , all wanting to take down the prince just to fight for the place in the palace .

yet they were no match for donghyuck , he was incredibly strong . donghyuck not only being a prince , but also had the additional powers granted by the sun .

however , his father is still considered stronger than donghyuck for now since donghyuck hadn't mastered the powers he got from the sun .

he would easily be able to beat his father if he had known the powers and spells .

he would easily be able to beat his father if he had known the powers and spells

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i sense some major fights comin' 🤷‍♀️

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