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the two headed in their own ways after one kiss goodbye as the sun will soon dawn upon the land of Lustiana

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the two headed in their own ways after one kiss goodbye as the sun will soon dawn upon the land of Lustiana .

donghyuck had to return to the place of safety , where no sunlight could enter .

she had to face her parents who came to know of their relationship , and the guards whom jaemin distracted .

entering the building with a heavy heart , unsure of what to do and what not . how to react and reply to the situation .

luckily, the first one whom she made eye contact was jaemin. her eyes cried out for help , signalling jaemin to help her knowing how much trouble she'd be in .

"yah , park yurim , stand there young lady." her mother stormed to her , she could feel the aggression and agitated aura coming from her .

she feared for what's about to come - what her mother was going to punish her with . she was indeed afraid of her mother .

knowing she was strictly against the thought of being close with a vampire , not to mention dating a vampire .

just the idea brought crashing waves upon her mind , she hated the idea and would do anything in her might to stop the two from staying together.

jaemin approached the two from behind , he didn't know what to do either , he was really in no place to stand up against the queen .

"your highness , there might be a misunderstanding." jaemin tried to approach the subject carefully , making sure not to say anything that'd upset either parties .

"what do you mean misunderstanding ?! i saw it with my very own eyes of the two of them kissing !" the queen was visibly upset , her face turned into a hue of red from the overwhelming feeling of anger and displeasure.

jaemin tried to block yurim from her mother's storm of rage and anger yet he couldn't do much .

"you useless butler ! what do you even do here ?! you deserved to be left on the streets with nothing to eat !" she insulted jaemin like no tomorrow , unlocking the hurtful memory of his past which he locked away back to him .

the hard life he had to live , he had to work from a young age . when kiss from the town walk past him , they'd laugh and mock him .

calling jaemin a beggar and such , calling him useless and worthless . he really couldn't say much , his parents would be away , working .

they worked to even afford one small piece of bread , his mother would sew all day and night whilst his father had to use all his might and strength to fight the intruders of the land .

jaemin felt at fault , like he was the one whom caused his parents to work so hard . he knew they wouldn't have to pay so much debt if he wasn't born .

jaemin couldn't do much but take the bullets flung towards him . however , ever since yurim saved him from his dark past , he'd try to be as bubbly and merry as possible - hiding his miserable insecure self .

he'd push his past behind , attempting to forget the scars printed on him - the harsh words and agony he had to go through .

"i can't believe i looked up to you , you're sickening , he was right ." yurim formed her hands into a fist , anger and justice filled her vengeful heart .

"i can't believe you dared to say those words about jaemin , the richness and state he was in is invalid . all i see is the pure and bright side of his , he cheered me up at times you weren't around . he was the one whom gave me the most emotional support . what did you do as a mother ? all you cared about was the reputation you had ." she scoffed , pulling jaemin beside her as she stood up for him .

she wasn't about to let her mother insult him just like that . what she saw in him was so much more than "a poor boy from the streets" . he was so much more in her eyes - his radiant smiles and laughters that cheered her at times of need .

what he did for her and all the times he helped her out of troubles made her filled with gratitude towards him .

"the audacity! how can you talk to your mother like this !" she slammed the table , making the princess jolt up as the shocking wave of sound hit her eardrums .

"and who was that 'he' you were talking about ?" she questioned .

"lee donghyuck , the vampire prince ! he was right, you humans were the one whom started the fight!" she pointed her index finger towards her mother as she backed away from her .

she triggered a part of her mother that she had been trying to hide from her own daughter .

her parents tried for the longest time to hide the truth from her , they've always played the victim card , claiming that the vampires attacked first .

"you lied, i shouldn't have trusted you!" tears filled her eyes in disbelief , she was hurt from what she once thought was the parents whom loved her and would never lie and hide anything from her .

she thought she had the perfect family and hated the vampires for threatening them yet the truth was hidden in the shadows of their synthetic love .

her mother bit her lips in vexation , feeling the the anger boiling inside of her . soon , she could be in flames . the volcanic anger in her arose as her lie of many years came to light .

she flung herself towards her daughter as she lifted her hand in attempts of attacking her daughter .

she grabbed a knife located not far from her , aiming right towards yurim's scalp .

she grabbed a knife located not far from her , aiming right towards yurim's scalp

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a crazy lady 🤷‍♀️

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