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the stairs creaked , attaining their attention

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the stairs creaked , attaining their attention . they shot their heads towards the stairs .

revealing the prince .

"oh hey son , would you like to pick the method of killing this precious little thing ?" the king spoke , smirking as he tugged on yurim's hair .

she whimpered and winced as she struggled to get out of his harsh grip .

"let go." donghyuck firmly said .

"oh don't worry , i'll share her with you." the king laughed as he waited for his son's reaction .

thinking his son would be more than glad to consume the princess along with him .

"let go." he repeated , slightly raising his voice as he yanked the king's hand away from the princess .

he stood in front her , his dominance and protectiveness shone above anything .

"son, what's gotten into you ?!" his father scolded , hissing as he looked at the scar his son had made on his hand .

"you're not laying a fucking hand on her." he glared into his father's eyes , anger and vengeance fumed inside of him .

"she's just a pathetic moron , why are you protecting her ?!" the king shouted , his loud piercing voice echoed .

making yurim quiver in fear , whimpering as she hid behind donghyuck .

donghyuck's hand gently stroked her arms , comfortingly .

"you're not touching her and that's final ." donghyuck hissed as he brought the princess up the stairs into his room .

he locked the door , preventing any sort of interruptions .

"so uh what you did there , thank you." she thanked , awkwardly wrapping her arms around his torso attempting to hug him .

"yeah yeah whatever ." he walked towards his couch , laying down .

"woah , why're you so cold ?" she questioned due to his unusual self . he used to be all flirty and outgoing , this new side of him shocked her .

"nothing ." he sighed , closing his eyes as his veins glowed red .

she looked at him shocked , fear strickened as she stared at his veins bulging.

"i definitely don't have a kink for veins ." she spoke to herself , mumbling yet he could still hear her .

"i wonder what else you have a kink for ." he chuckled deeply as he stared at her with a lustful gaze making her gulp .

"you heard that ? oh yeah right my dumb ass forgot you have enhanced senses ." she mentally slapped herself as she frowned .

"so well uh , you're not planning to eat me anymore ?" she asked .

"i told you already , princess . you're too precious to be eaten ." he spoke as his voice trailed deeper and deeper .

he unbuckled his belt from his tight black jeans , her eyes widened .

"woah woah hyuck this ain't a strip club." she raised her hand to block her eyes from looking at the scene .

" she raised her hand to block her eyes from looking at the scene

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woah calm down hyuck

vermilion ━ lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now