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Adora's POV:

I woke up on my bed, shaking. I sit up and look around. I rub my hip and ask, "What happened?". Thats when it all came back to me. My eyes narrow and I growl. Catra. I jump up and run out of the room, checking the halls and every room I pass by for her. I stop by the war room when I hear conversing. "We need to go back and get her!", I hear Bow say frustratedly. I hear a sigh before Glimmer's voice was clearly apparent, "I know Bow! But Double Trouble has informed us that Horde Prime's ships are getting closer and closer to Etheria. We need to take this time and make some plans on what to do once Prime arrives". I grunt and make my presence known to them by saying, "We have to try and save her from the Horde's grasps. I cant lose her again".

Glimmer sighs and walks over to me solemnly, "Bow and I will come up with something. You need to rest. When Prime comes you need to be at your best its bet-". I hear clapping and a familiar dark chuckle from behind us, "Brilliant performance my queen. But what is best for Adora is to leave that useless cat with the Horde". I growl and whirl around pinning Shadow Weaver to one of the walls of the war-room. "How could you say that?! She sacrificed herself for us!", I say angrily slowly losing my patience. Shadow Weaver cackles and says, "Oh child you've been blinded by her foolery. She didnt do it for you. She did it for herself. Shes selfish. You know that. Do not let this distraction throw you off your path on becoming great".

I growl and go to slam my fist into her face when Glimmer caught my fist and said softly, "Adora, I hate to agree with her of all people but she is right. We need a strategy. We need to take down Prime before we can focus on anyone else". I look Glimmer in the eyes, bewildered and say lowly, "You agree w-with HER?! After all Catra did to prove her worth to Brightmoon and the Rebellion. Really?". Bow sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "I agree too, we cant let our emotions get in the way of  winning and protecting Etheria". I scoff and look my bestfriends in the eyes, "Wow. Unbelievable", I say before taking my forearm off Shadow Weaver's neck and walking Over to my room.

I shut the door and lock it, laying on the bed and letting the tears fall down my cheeks. I tucked my knees to my chest and cried and cried until I was too exhausted to fight back any resistance of sleep and just let my eyes close. Im sorry Catra, I'll get you out of there soon.

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