The Great Test: The Great Dragon of the West vs The Royal Heir (pt 3 of 3)

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Catra's POV:

I smirked, feeling the familiar burst of energy run through my body and shoot up to my eyes. I watched as Iroh ran towards me, If I didnt have my magenyousa I probably wouldn't have seen the fist he threw at me. I bring my forearm up, blocking his attack. I grit my teeth at the force he had in his punch. Hes really not holding back. 

I dodged and weaved at every kick, jab, punch, and chop. Its my time to go on the offense. I growl, ducking under his right hook and slammed my fist into the man's stomach. I heard a barely audible 'Oomph!' escape his lips as he was sent sliding back a couple of feet giving me the perfect momentum. I ran at him, making a 'plus' sign using the index and middle finger of each of my hands, two clones of me running by my side as I extended my arm and opened my palm to my clone grinning when I felt my chakra molding in the palm of my hand forming the rasengan.

I had my two clones run in zig zag patterns in front of me to confuse the old man. I smirked when I saw that it had worked, I jumped up on my clone's back feeling them disappear under me as I yelled, "Rasengan!". I jabbed the orb of chakra at him my eyes widening when I was met with air. How?! I wouldve detected it.. unless.

My eyes widened when I detected Iroh's chakra turning my body around in the air and blocking the kick he aimed at my chest with my forearms. I landed on my feet, skidding away from the man slightly. He read my attack perfectly.. how? He doesnt have a magenyousa. My eyes widened when I saw a blast of fire racing towards me, I slide away from it watching as it passed by my chest and disappeared into the air. I wouldve been burnt up if I had detected that with my Magenyousa.

I look at Iroh who was smirking, I chuckle and roll my shoulders and say, "What is it old man?  Scared to get your robe dirty?". Iroh's lips upturned in a slight smirk as he grabbed the sides of his robes and took it off throwing it towards the shore, looking back at me and cracking his neck. "Come at me kid", Iroh demands.

I smirk and yell, "As you wish", before exploding off my right leg charging at him swiftly. I decide to do something that would definitely take him off guard.  I put my hands together and bended my fingers together, then I slid my left hand above right, I then flattened both hands interlacing the thumbs and flattening my hands against my forearms, I flipped my hands downwards and scrunched my fingers together my knuckles and thumbs pressing together, I then brought my hands up and made a triangle with my index fingers while my ring fingers, middle fingers, and pinkies touch each other - latching on, and finally a gun shape with my index fingers and knotting the rest of my fingers together feeling the heat rise up my hands and throat. I hooked my index finger over my mouth and took a deep breath before blowing out a fireball from my mouth.

I watched as Iroh's facial expressions knitting my brows together when I saw that he didnt seem fazed. Why isnt he shocked? My eyes widened as he cleared the fire racing at him with a swift movement of his hands before I felt something hot slam into my abdomen , I look down in slow-motion my eyes widening when I saw Iroh's hand, fire wrapped around his fist.

Before I knew it I was sent flying in the air, I watched as Iroh chased after me jumping up into the air and lunging at me. I growl and made a 'plus' sign using the index and middle finger of each of my hand and deploying 16 clones using my clones to land 4 consecutive hits on him delaying his attack on me, as I slammed onto the water's surface. I groaned before I stood up watching as he struggled fighting my clones.

I smirked hearing the cheering from my friends in the bleachers before I bolted at the man, extending my right arm one more time and circling my right palm with my left this time using the wind brushing against me and combining it with my destructive chakra making the orb's size grow a bit wind circling it like a ninja star. I targeted the spot in Iroh's body that would cause the more damage and lunged at the man, slamming the powerful orb of chakra and wind into the man's solar plexus.

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