The Crystal of Arxia (pt 2 of 2)

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Catra's POV:

We made our way inside Mystacor's walls, getting past the sorcerers that guarded the castle itself without harming them. "Ok everyone, make sure you dont make any sound, any sudden movements, or  hit anyone or anything. We are getting close to the Crystal. Im guessing that they will be guarding it with their best sorcerers. Be. Quick. And. Stealthy. Got it?", Shadow Weaver explains quietly.

I roll my eyes and nod along with everyone else as we walked down the halls of the abandoned castle. Shadow Weaver stops and I bump into her making her grunt and I only shrug my shoulders before she steps in front of a statue. "Its here", She explains before grabbing Castaspella and whispering, "It probably wont let me open it since dark magic is still a part of me. We need you to open it".

Castaspella nods and grabs some blue dust and rubs it on her hand before placing her hand on the hand-print on the statue and whispering something incoherent. I looked around and made eye contact with Adora and she raises a brow and I only shrug confirming my confusion aswell. Before we knew it there was a low rumbling noise and the bottom of the statue opened up revealing a dark passageway.

Shadow Weaver pats Castaspella's shoulder and turns back to the group and gestures for us to follow. "You all go ahead of me, I'll stay back and watch your backs", I whisper standing aside and letting Bow, Glimmer, Castaspella, Shadow Weaver, Frosta, and Netossa go ahead of me. Adora looked at me worriedly and I smile softly and put a hand on the small of her  back and nod. "You sure?", Adora asks in a hushed tone. I nod and say, "I'll still be joining you but I'll behind you all so if there's anyone who wants to attack us, they'll have to go through me and Melog".

Adora nods and walks ahead of me, Melog nudges me in before the statue starts closing up on itself leaving us in the dark passageway. "Ok, we have to move quickly because there's no way that the guards didnt hear that. So we go in, acquire the Crystal and get out", Glimmer says as she uses her staff to light up the passage way. We all nod in approval before continuing our trek through the passage ways.

I look around the room, making sure to look behind me aswell. I felt a hand on my bicep and tense up before looking at Adora and sighing. "You ok?", Adora asks softly. I nod and say, "Yeah, why wouldnt I be ok?". Adora runs her thumb across the muscle of my arm and says, "Because you're more tense than usual. Im just making sure you're alright because I know you don't really like Shadow Weaver. And you being here really means alot to me. We need- I need you". I smile and I was about to say something when I heard the clearing of somebody's throat and turn to see the culprit.

"Adora, come with me. Catra do whatever it is that you were doing", Shadow Weaver says lowly giving me the stankest glare. Adora looks at me and then Shadow Weaver and growls before going to say something dismissive. I put a hand on her back and leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Go with her, I'll be fine". Adora looks at me and her eyes only expressed the uncertainty she was feeling. I nodded and gestured for her to join her. She finally complies and lets Shadow Weaver take her up front, away from me. I was left alone to walk in my thoughts forgetting Melog was by my side.

"Why does that woman dislike you so much", Melog's voice disrupts me from my thoughts and I chuckle quietly and pet his head before saying, "Im not sure, its always been this way. But she knows I can shut her up real quick. Ive done it before". Melog nods and asks, "So why don't you do it?". I run a hand through my hair and look at Adora and Shadow Weaver arguing before focusing my attention on Adora and saying softly , "Because I have a reason to be better. And do better. Hurting Shadow Weaver will only bring me back to square one".

Melog nudges his head against my leg and says, "You feel affection towards Adora, is that why you want to be better? For her?". I felt my cheeks heat up and look down at the lion in front of me before looking back into Adora's icy sapphire eyes as they glared daggers at an obviously angry Shadow Weaver and saying, "Yeah, Melog I think so". Melog purrs approvingly and says, "You love her dont you?". I look back at Melog and thats when it hit me. I've never been in love.

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