Donts and Wonts

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Adora's POV:

I felt comfort knowing that Melog and Catra were sleeping next to me. Well, Melog was on me as I slept. I turned my back to Catra and fixed the blanket on my body. Catra is probably very upset with me. I mean I told her to come with me, she didnt have to come along yet she did. Then, she finds out the reason that we are doing this is so that I could be the host of the magic that the failsafe was composed of which couldve killed me. I saw the hurt and pain in her eyes when she figured out that everyone knew the plan but her. Im so sorry Catra, but I had to do it.

I felt a pain in my heart knowing that I hurt Catra again. It was a feeling I couldn't shake off. The look in her eyes as she realized that she was practically bamboozled into joining me complete a mission that couldve killed me. And worse, I let Shadow Weaver's advice get to me. But I had to, if I didnt I wouldnt have gotten the failsafe. But it still hurts knowing I put Catra's warnings aside and listened to Shadow Weaver instead.

I wanted to listen to Catra but I couldnt. If I did, the whole world. The planet's one good plan of salvation wouldve been gone. Although it hurt to betray Catra's trust once again, it was something that had to be done as much as I hate to admit it.

"Catra?", I asked softly knowing that Bow and Glimmer were sleeping. When I got no reply I sighed and said, "Catra, look im sorry for risking my life and betraying your trust. But I had to do it, please dont be mad at me". I got no reply after a long moment of silence and sighed. Fuck, I messed up really badly.


I woke up with a jolt, my body and mind practically yelling at me to wake up. When I felt no weight on my legs where Melog was I felt my heart start racing. I turned to where Catra was and saw that her sleeping bag was empty.

I gasp and jump up, running out the corridor and running out of the open door. I swatted away at the wild bushes until I saw Melog and Catra walking away, a bag strapped along Catra's back. "Catra! Stop!", I yell running after Catra after she starts speeding off. I growl and tackle her to the ground before she could hop on a tree branch taking her to the ground with me.

"Let go of me Adora!", Catra says lowly trying to pry herself out of my grasps. I grunt and flip us over so I was grabbing her wrists tightly and on top of her. "Were you really about to leave?!", I ask bewildered looking down into blue and yellow eyes. Catra stays silent and kicks me off of her before she starts to stand up but I grab her backpack and pull her back to me, her tail standing up straight.

"Stop! Why are you doing this? Why cant you just stay?", I yell before Catra whirled her body around taking the backpack off her shoulders and pushing me off of her. "Im doing you a favor alright? Because Im a distraction right? Now you can go save the planet without me dragging you down". My eyes widen and I grab her hands softly and say, "Catra, what? Thats not true, you're not a distraction! Dont listen to Shadow Weaver this is not about her". Catra scoffs and kicks me in the stomach before going to run again before I huff and grab onto her wrist but she pries my hand off of hers roughly and sends me to the ground. "Why are you like this Adora? Huh? Why do you have to sacrifice everything for everyone else? When do you get to fucking choose huh?".

My eyes widened when I saw the tears brimming my eyes and felt my heart shatter st how broken her voice sounded. "W-What do you want Adora?", Catra says a tear rolling down her cheek. I was at a loss for words at how truly hurt she was. "I-I have to do this Catra! Im the only one who can. Please understand that. I never meant to hurt you". Catra sighs shakily and wipes the tears from her eyes, furrowing her brows as she says, "Fine. Then save the planet". I watched as she turned around, her back straightened and her shoulders broad.

"Its what you'll always want. What you'll always choose. I dont have to stay and watch you kill yourself. Goodbye Adora", Catra says her ears flattening against her head as she starts walking away. My eyes widened and I clutched onto her bag and pleaded shakily, "Catra, please. Stay. I-I need you". Catra stops and scoffs, looking over her shoulder her watery eyes looking into mine as she says, "No you dont. You never have". Before she started walking away, her and Melog disappear into thin air.

I felt like someone had ripped my heart out and I clutched her bag to my chest and felt tears stream down my face uncontrollably as I yell out, "Catra!". Before holding onto her bag tighter and crying. I lost her.  I didnt even need to know it was Bow and Glimmer who were hugging me when I felt arms wrap around me. I just turned in their embrace and sobbed.

This is what it must've felt for her when I left huh? Utter pain and despair.

To be continued...

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