Tragedy Strikes

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Catra's POV:

There was a loud thud that caused Adora and I to jolt awake. I look around before a crying Jaki came into my view. Adora gasps and slaps my shoulder gently, "Babe, h-his hands". I quirked a brow before I noticed there was blood all over his hands. I quickly jump out of bed, Adora right by my side as we approached the boy who seemed traumatized, his head down as his shoulder shook.

I approached him carefully, and asked, "Jaki?". Jaki looked up at me and my eyes widened when I saw anger and sadness swirled into his light brown eyes. I leaned forward and put my hand on his shoulder and asked softly, "Jaki? What happened? Whats wrong".

Jaki looked at me, his lip upturning in a nasty scowl as tears rolled down his cheek like a waterfall, " your brother s-sent an-another massacre g-group to T-Tendūji". My eyes widened in horror and I grabbed onto his shoulders and I asked sternly, " Where?". Jaki growled and said, " Northern Tendūji". I felt my stomach drop and I felt like throwing up.

"T-The Northern part?! I-Isnt Hako an-and Nal-", I say before it hit me. Hako and Nala are in Northern Tendūji. I patted the boy's head before saying quickly, "Thank you Jaki". Before running out, making my way through the village occasionally bumping into some women and men. I apologized quickly before I ran up the bridge that connected the Northern part of Tendūji and Southern Tendūji.

My heart stopped when I heard the sound of screaming. I stopped in front of a crowd of people hearing them scream things like, 'Mayor Seji!' 'Where is god! Why god!', and much more. I made my way through the crowd before I felt a hand on mine. I whirl around to be met with my favorite pair of blue eyes. "A-Adora", I say shakily. Adora nods and says softly, "Hey baby". I sigh and wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me.

"C-Can you come with me?", I asked quietly so only she could hear. Adora nods and pulls back, pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose and saying, "Of course my love". I nod and take her hand in mine, making my way through the crowd, I could feel my heart beating through my chest.

I felt fire running through my veins, as I saw 4 men hunting the people around them down like deer.  "HEY!", I bark my voice filled with authority and anger. I watch as 4 men look at me. "Baby wa-", Adora says but before I could even stop to listen to what she said, I stormed up to them my body taking control. "Who are you?", The man in front of me says chuckling as he whirled a ball of flame in his hand. I growl and look around my anger growing as I saw buildings and people on fire or extremely injured. I heard the groans and moans of the people around me, ash and ember flowing around.

"What is your business here?!", I demand holding my ground against the obviously stronger and a bit taller men in front of me. "Hey! You watch who you're talking to twat", The man in front of me shoved me. I growl and felt the familiar burning in my eyes and body. "YOU SHOULD WATCH WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO ASSHOLE! YOU'RE INVADING A PEACEFUL VILLAGE FOR NOTHING YOU DAMN BIGOT!". The man growled but before I could do anything a fist slammed into my face.

"CATRA!", I hear Adora's voice yell.

I skid across the darkened ground, and groaned. I groaned as I looked up, looking at the crowd that was holding Adora back. I smiled knowing that they would keep her safe. I heard footsteps of 4 men before I felt a kick to my stomach. I groaned, trying to find the air that was kicked out of lungs. Another kick, and another, and another and another.

"GET UP YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!", A man growled. I coughed and held my stomach and side, my eyes widening when I felt harsh kick to my side that had me on my back. I wheezed, feeling the throbbing pain run up my sides and circulate to the center of my abdomen as the men beat me. I coughed and chuckled, spitting out the blood from my mouth onto the ground.

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