Warm Welcomings

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4 Days Later:

*Background information: Its been 4 days  after the last chapter. The Best Friend Squad had been on the road for 5 days but they took breaks and took time to eat and rest, which lengthened their travel time. Reminder, that only some villages and kingdoms know that Catra is alive and well.. unfortunately Poleses is not. Keep on reading to find out more loves*

The gates of the Kingdom of Poleses opened to reveal two men, in tremendously shiny golden armor, two spears in their hands. "Who are you? And whats your business here in Poleses?", One of the men says to Bow. Catra climbs over the arm rest in the middle and speaks for the boy frozen in fear, " I am Catra of Taron. Im the one true heir to the throne of Taros. We're here to find the great General Iroh".

The men growl before one of them grabs the handles of the doors and rip them off, grabbing Catra by the collar as three other guards  grab Adora, Bow, and Glimmer, dragging them out of the car. "Hey! Hey! Leave them alone!", Catra demands as she watched as her friends struggled against the three guards.

"DO YOU HEAR ME?! UNHAND THEM NOW!", Catra roars, anger boiling through her veins when she saw one of the men manhandling Adora, one of them groping her breasts as another one slammed a fist into Bow's jaw and kneed the man in the stomach. Glimmer attempted to kick the man who was manhandling her in the balls, only for the man to twist the woman's arm painfully. The man that had Catra, slammed her against the car she once was in and didnt give the feline a second to comprehend what was about to happen next as rock and soil rose from the ground, wrapping itself around his fist making a makeshift glove out of the rough rocks. "One thing... impostor. Never anger somebody that is from Poleses", The man growls as he slams his fist into Catra's solar plexus.

Catra slumped against the car, the wind getting knocked out of her. "W-Why...?", Catra asks inbetween gasps of air. The man growls and picks Catra up by the collar again and barks, " tell me who you truly are and you wont suffer any more pain!". Catra grit her teeth and barked once she regained her lost breath, " I AM CATRA OF TARON! I am! Im no impo-", Another punch but this time to the face.

Catra groaned and fell to the ground, she went to stand up before a kick was delivered to her side slamming her into the car. "STOP LYING TO ME YOU DAMN IMPOSTOR! CATRA OF TARON DIED 15 YEARS AGO! WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE?!", The man demanded once again. Catra sat herself up, holding her side and looked up at the man towering over her, "P-Please Im not lying! M-My accomplices, a-ask th-", Catra was interrupted when the man grabbed her by the throat and kneed her in the stomach using all the force he could muster up.

Catra's eyes bulged as she felt all the air in her lungs leave her body in one gasp. "Plea-", Catra attempted to plead before the guard started landing more hits on her body. 'Come on Catra! Fight back! Fight back kid!' Meliodas' voice rung through her head telling her to get up and fight this man. ' I cant father! I cant. I can lose control and hurt people'. Another kick to the side, made Catra roll her body up and take the beating.

'FIGHT! If you do not fight Catrina you will get seriously injured here. What good will you do to anyone if you're beatened so badly you can barely stand up. Fight. Fight and show them that you are the heir of the Great Lord of the New Rise Meliodas', Another kick was heading towards Catra's face before she caught the man's foot with her right hand. Feeling intense energy run through her veins, the pain in her body fading away as she twisted the man's foot in 180° angle. The man let out a howl of pain, before Catra felt herself fade away as Meliodas stepped in.

"Listen to me you measly guard, you will not disrespect my daughter", Meliodas' and Catra's voice barked at the man who was currently grabbing his foot in pain, looking up at the heir of all of Taron in front of him. The wind was blowing through the sky aggressively the trees bending back and forth as Meliodas' rage continued. The feline's face was covered by her hair that the wind was blowing in her face, the man on the ground unable to read the infuriated feline. "W-What the fuck are you?! Y-You fre-"Catra grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him up in the air. The man was forced to look into the feline's eyes, his own hazel eyes widening in fear with what he was met with.

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