Omega pt.1

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It's been a couple days since the showdown with Peter. Ocean and I haven't talked to the others lately, it wasn't intentional but we just needed some time with our dad. It's sucks because he's leaving tonight. We've also been trying to figure out what Lydia is, or even if she's turning.

" Dad, do you have to go? I mean work from here!" I pleaded with him to stay. We were all upstairs since he was packing. " You know I can't. It's ok I'll have somebody with me this time" Dad said trying to give us a piece of mind. " So why not bring them over here? The more the merrier!!" Ocean said, he wasn't really happy about just getting dad back and then him leaving. He sighed and took his bags toward the door. " I'll be fine, and if this all goes well, we won't have to worry about her anymore" he said opening his arms. We rushed to give him a hug, " just be careful" Ocean said, leaving the hug first. But I wouldn't let go. "Aria, you gotta let me go" my dad said trying to pull away. " But we just got you back" I whined. He pulled away and sighed, " the quicker I leave, the quicker I can come back" he said picking his bags up and leaving.

I was upstairs in my room drawing, when I heard a scream, but it wasn't a regular scream, it was like it echoed throughout Beacon Hills. Ocean came bursting through my room, " did you hear that? I think it was Lydia" he said. I nodded grabbing my shoes and my jacket. " Get dressed we're going to the hospital" I said walking down the stairs.

We're getting ready to walk toward the entrance of the hospital when I seen a familiar blue Jeep. I tapped my brother on the chest and showed him what I saw. Rushing over I seen Stiles and Scott talking. " Hey what're you doing here?" I asked the two. They jumped in surprise, startled by our appearance. " Us? What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked us, his head sticking out the passenger side window. " We heard a scream, we think it's Lydia" Ocean spoke up from behind me. " See, Scott if they're here then we have to go find her!" Stiles pointed to the two of us. Scott nodded and when Stiles turned on the Jeep his headlights shined on the Argent girl. Stiles jumped back in surprise, " is everybody just showing up today?" Stiles mumbled and I chuckled.

" Allison why are you here?" Scott asked, and I rolled my eyes. For a girl that was just terrified a couple nights ago she sure is ready to jump head first into danger. " I just saw my dad and a few other guys leave in SUV's" Allison said. I nodded " Ok look Allison you hop in the back while Ocean and I follow you guys" I said grabbing my brothers wrist and dragging him to the car.

" So how should we feel about Allison?" Ocean asked, taking his eyes off the road for a spilt second. " I don't know. It's like we should be upset at her because she shot us, but she was new to the whole thing" I said, sighing. " Yea but I think we are upset for two totally different reasons" my brother countered what I said. I shot him a look, what's that supposed to mean? " I'm just saying, maybe you're upset with her because she's dating Scott" he said, trying to point out the obvious. I rolled my eyes, why is that when I have a problem it involves a boy? I don't need a man in my life. " No that's not the case, I'm upset because she hasn't even uttered a single sorry. Like even though she didn't shoot me, she shot at you. I just think that we should get an apology" I told him, giving a straight answer. He nodded his head like he understood. " Yea that makes sense. I also don't like how she was scared and upset about Scott lying to her about the supernatural, and now she's ready to jump in head first with no training" Ocean said as he made a turn, trying to keep up with Stiles crazy driving. I basically jumped out of my seat, " oh my god! I was thinking the same thing at the hospital! Like she hasn't had any training, she could be killed. But the question for right now is, what happens after Kate's funeral?" I asked, making the conversation more serious. He shrugged his shoulders, maybe he didn't know the answer, maybe he did, scared to tell me what he thought.

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