117 pt.1

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Scott and Isaac carried the young Derek Hale inside the clinic, Deaton wiped everything off the table and placed him down. "Wow" Deaton said as he stared. "Wow?" Aries repeated. "Wow as in, "I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do," kind of wow? 'Cause that's what we're kinda hoping for" Stiles added.

"I think you might be overestimating my abilities" Deaton countered. Allison took Derek's hand in hers, "he's cold" she stated. Lydia followed and took his other hand, "like, really cold" she said. Ariadne sighed, this is the last thing they needed. Deaton took his pulse and continued to check Derek.

"Do you think this is permanent?" Cora asked nervously. "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience" Deaton said as he checked his pupils. Ethan and Aiden looked down at Ariadne, they could feel the stress levels waving off her and her brother.

"So what do we do?" Isaac asked. "Until he wakes up? Not much" Deaton replied. "It might be best to leave him here. He'll be a lot safer here than with any of us" Oceanus spoke up. "You mean from Kate?" Aries asked. "If she is alive, and if Kate is what you say she is, she won't be able to get passed that front gate" Deaton promised the teens. "Why would she want to do this?" Lydia asked.

"Knowing Kate, it probably for a reason that won't be good for anybody but her" Deaton answered. "And bad for everyone else" Stiles added. "Obviously" Ariadne muttered. Deaton looked at the teenagers and saw how visibly tired they were. "You guys should probably go home. He doesn't seem to be in any danger here. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep?" Deaton suggested.

"It's a school night. You all need to start taking care of your own lives" he added. "Someone should stay with you" Scott said. "I'll stay" Lydia spoke up. "If she's staying, I am too" Allison agreed. "Our grades are fine. Despite missing a few classes" Stiles sighed. "I'm so not ok with this" he said.

"I can stay" Aiden offered. "Definitely not you" Stiles pointed a finger at him. Which caused Aria and Isaac to hold back their laughter. "Guys, go" Lydia looked at Stiles. "No" Stiles drew out the O. "Text us if anything happens" Scott looked between the girls. "Nope, still not ok with this" Stiles planted his feet to the ground.

Aries leaned over and gave Allison a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you later" she smiled and nodded.

"Stiles, let's go" Ariadne said as she was slowly walking away, trying to go with option one. "Nope, not going anywhere" Stiles responded. "Ethan, grab your brother" Ariadne said as she realized Aiden wasn't going anywhere either. "Isaac..." Scott pointed to Stiles, so that Isaac knows to grab him as well. "All right, just 'cause you're stronger" Stiles lamely agreed and followed the others out the room.

"Hey... we'll figure this out. We always do" Aiden noticed the distressed look on Aria's face. "Yea, it just seems like we never get a break. Between school, demon hunting, creatures popping up. It makes me question if I can handle it all" she replied as she laid her head on Aiden. He wasted no time as he wrapped an arm over her shoulder.

They don't know how, but they became extremely close these last few weeks and they began to rely on each other. "We'll meet you guys back at the house. There is something we've got to do" Aiden said to the shadow hunters and his brother. They look amongst themselves but didn't question it. "Let's go to lookout point. We can talk there" Ariadne nodded her head as the walked to the car.

What they didn't know was that Scott and Isaac had heard the whole thing while Stiles watched intensely. "Hey, don't worry about them. He won't make a move on her" Isaac noticed Scott's glum expression. "Yea... maybe" He mumbled as they got in the Jeep. "Look, I know you two haven't talked much these last few weeks, but I talk to her all the time. Aria misses you, Scott. Just give her time" Stiles reassured as he started up the Jeep.

When Aria and Aiden got to lookout point, nobody said a word. Silence seemed like the only thing that felt right with everything going on now. "What's wrong? You know that you guys don't have to handle everything yourselves. You've got Ethan and I now" Aiden stared at her with soft eyes.

"I know that, and we're training you for demon hunting, but that's not the point. Don't you and Ethan feel it? That void in your body, like it's just blank? I just feel like things are only going to get worse after we figure everything out with Derek. It feels like the time when I felt like Derek was hiding that your previous pack was in town" Ariadne explained it as best she could. Another perk from coming back from the dead is that it's like you've got a sixth sense.

"What... you think people are gonna start dying again?" Aiden asked the girl. "Maybe? I don't know for sure. But with Kate alive and everything that's going on with Derek, things are going to change around here. But I'm gonna try to figure out what is going on with Derek and how Kate did what she did. So, let's go home" Aiden didn't say another word as he drove them home. But before he could put the car in reverse, her hand stopped his. "Once this is all over with Derek, we're finding Kate and ending her, ok? I'm tired of her just popping up out of nowhere and we get there to late to get her" she then moved her hand.

"What about Argent? Shouldn't he and Allison be the one to kill her?" Aiden asked. "Maybe. I'll talk to Allison and Chris about it soon. No doubt Chris knows she's alive, I bet he's looking for her right now. Ok, let's go, we have school in a few hours" and then they finally left. "I don't know what you mean in a few hours, we've got two max" she stated.

When they got home, they found Aries, Oceanus, Cora, and Ethan at the table. "Late night snack?" Aiden asked going into the kitchen. "We were waiting for you guys, we were thinking about something" Cora said. "Ok, go ahead" Ariadne said as she sat down beside her brother, Aiden sitting beside his. "We were thinking of going after Kate when school started" Oceanus said, making his sister side eye him. "I see. It's not a bad idea. It gives us the chance to keep a lot of teenagers and people out of harms way. Do you guys have her scent?" Ariadne asked the werewolves.

They nodded, "it's faint, but it's there. We could have a stronger scent once Derek's clothes dry" Aiden answered. "It's obvious we can't go out right now. It's pouring rain, and any trace of her, if she were on foot, is gone" Oceanus added. "Wait, you think she's already in Beacon Hills?" Ethan asked the shadow hunters. "It's entirely possible. She wouldn't turn Derek into his younger self and just let him get taken by us. Kate wants something from him" Ariadne said.

"Wait a minute! What about school?" He asked, the group looked at each other and sighed. "You are the only one thinking about school, you know that?" Cora asked. "I'm just saying, we all need to graduate. And besides, we can't do anything right now. It's also not like we don't leave school anytime we want" he replied defensively. "This is true" Ethan mumbled in reply.

Ariadne sighed and rubbed her head. "All right" she spoke up, making the teens turn to her. "Aries had a good point. We can't track Kate down now and Derek sit awake yet, so there isn't much we can do. We'll go to school... but the moment we get a call involving Derek, we'll leave. To be honest, I'm surprised any of us will be going back today" she sighed and the group dismissed themselves.

School was at the very bottom of their priority list and it definitely wasn't going to change soon. Ariadne headed upstairs for a shower, trying to keep herself awake for the day that was ahead of the pack.


It's been a while. Don't worry, the rest of the chapters for this episode will be out soon. But, I'm still not on a consistent updating schedule. I want to be able to finish this by the end of the summer.

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