The Divine move pt.3

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"Did you bring us a present?" The nogitsune asked Derek as he sat on the steps of the school with oni surrounding his side. "I brought four" Derek said as he sat down the wooden box. Ariadne walked next to Derek with her eyes glowing a bright yellow with her whip already out. Cora, Ethan, and Aiden appeared on his right, fully wolfed out.

"Now, I've heard of an alpha back, Derek. But I've never heard of formers alphas with a beta and a shadow hunter. A little sad, isn't it?" The nogitsune taunted. "I might not be an alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one" Derek promised. "Yea, and I've got payback to give. So bring it, bitch" Derek roared as they charged the oni appearing in front of him.

"Don't let them get that box!" Ariadne shouted as she fought off the sword, wrapping her whip around the oni's leg and yanking it down. Although, before she could kill it, it disappeared. "I hate these things" she mumbled angrily.

Cora and the twins stuck together, fighting off two, while Derek and Ariadne were handling the other two. "You need to get the box to Scott. We can hold them off" Derek said to her with a grunt as his claws slashed at the oni. "You know I can't leave you guys. They can barely handle the two. I can't do that, and I won't. I'm not gonna let what happened to me, happen to somebody else" she responded as she kicked back the oni, slashing it in the shoulder.

"I figured you might say that. I'm glad I called Argent. And before you ask, no, he doesn't know you're alive. Lookout!" Derek shouted as he pushed her back and took the slash to the chest. "Derek!" She yelled, the last thing she wanted to see was Derek dying. Aria wrapped her whip around the oni that was holding Derek and yanked it over to her. "Oh, this is gonna be good" she said with a slight smirk.

Swords clashed together as she kicked one back and slashed at its leg. "Where the hell are they?" Ethan yelled as he slashed one. "In the school!" Cora replied. "Where, though?" Aiden yelled as he and Derek fought them on the stairs. "I've got a better question, where the hell is Argent!" Aria yelled as she and Cora fought back to back. "You have to get on the box! Somebody get on the box!" Aiden and Aria were think the same thing as they backed up and stopped when they saw the oni appear in front of it.

"I hate ninjas" Aiden roared as they both charged. "Aiden?" She called out to him worriedly as Aria saw him get slashed in the back. She quickly yanked one off and was able to stab it on the chest. The ground shook as it turned into nothing. Everybody was shocked when they felt it, but didn't stop finding. "Aiden, get up" she offered her hand which he gladly accepted. The blade shattered and caused her to pull the other one off her back.

"We can't do this! We can't beat them!" Cora shouted tiredly. "Take the box, we'll hold them off!" Ethan shouted at her. "Cora!" Ariadne yelled to get her attention as the oni came at her. Right as it was about to stab her, an arrow lodged into its chest. The same ground shaking happened as another disappeared. "What was that?" She asked. "Silver" Argent replied. He scanned the area and was shocked but happy to see Ariadne alive.

"Cora, get the box! Take the triskele box to Scott!" Derek shouted to his sister. She didn't need to be told twice as she picked up the box and ran as fast as she could. "Hey, Argent, how many arrows of silver do you have left?" Aria asked with a grunt as she ducked quickly.

"Two!" He replied. The arrows could be enough because there was only two of the oni left, but just their luck, one more appeared. Another blade would have to be shattered.

Derek turned an oni around for Argent to finish him off with an arrow. He tried to fire another one, but it got sliced in half. "Get the arrow, it's the last one" Aiden and Ethan looked back to see Ariadne pushing herself back as two of the oni approached her. Aiden grabbed the arrow off the floor as he turned the oni around and stabbed it, while getting stabbed in the process. "Aiden! Ethan!" Aria shouted as Ethan got stabbed as well. They bought her enough time to kill the other one.

Derek and Argent rushed over. "Does it hurt you, as much as it hurts me?" Aiden asked as blood trickled down from his lips. "You guys did so good. I'm proud of you. And I forgive you guys for everything. And I mean everything" the twins gave Aria a soft smile, but started coughing up blood. "It's ok. Lydia never would've believed I was one of the good guys" Aiden whispered weakly.

"She'll believe us" Derek promised as he laid a hand on his shoulder. "None of you guys are dying tonight. Give me your hands" Aria demanded as she pulled out a stele along with the two rings. "What I'm about to do, is something that nobody else has ever done before, understand? And once I put these rings on you guys, you can never, ever, take these off. This might hurt" she traced the rune into their skins and quickly slid on the rings, solidifying that they would be ok.

"What did you do?" Argent asked. "Think of it like a pack. I just "bit" them and now they're healing. So we'll be like a small pack. Don't worry, they're still werewolves" Ariadne explained as everyone could already see them getting better. "Aria?" She turned around slowly to see Isaac standing there in shock. She took off into a sprint and wrapped her arms around Isaac. "You're alive, you're here" he whispered in her hair as he picked her up off the ground.

"I'm ok" she promised as tears welled in her eyes. Then, hearing the doors open, the two look to see everybody with shocked faces as they seen her standing there. Nobody wasted time as they ran up to her. Aries and her brother hugging her first. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. You as-" Ariadne cut off her brothers ramble, with a hug. "It's ok. You guys brought me back, even though I told you not to. But, I'm here. And I'm so glad you guys are ok" they smiled hugely at her, not noticing the small differences in her personality.

Lydia and the rest of the girls have her a hug and Allison wouldn't let go, thanking her for everything that she had done. "I love you" Scott said as he rushed up to her in no time, kissing her with so much passion that it hurt. "I love you, too. But, we need to talk" Scott frowned as he nodded and pulled her off to the side. Everybody was celebrating and leaving quickly before somebody noticed something.

"Look, I'm so incredibly grateful for what you guys did. But, I need time to myself" Scott nodded understanding. "Yea, we can hang out soon, maybe go on a da-" Aria shook her head. "No. I mean like, a break, from us. I just... I need time to adjust. I was supposed to be dead. And as you know, the dead should stay dead. I have to figure out if anything has changed with me, if I have problems that haven't shown up yet. I love you" she gave him a longing kiss on his cheek and turned around to leave with the twins and her brother and Aries.

"I'll wait for you" Scott called out to her. And he would, that was the love of his life, the only girl he's ever been in love with. He'll wait for forever if he has to.

"Thank you for saving our lives" Aiden and Ethan pulled her into a hug. "And for your information, we'll join you're pack" Oceanus and Aries were confused. "Pack?" They questioned. The twins held up the rings, showing them what was now on their middle fingers. "She brought us back from the brink of death. Aria, is like... our alpha bow. So, that means we'll be making a permanent residence in Beacon Hills" the boys nodded, even though it was a hard concept to grasp.

"Ok, boys. Let's go home, it's been a long night and we've got things to do soon. Chop, chop!" She shouted playfully. "Oh, boy. Did we make a mistake?" Aiden asked playfully. "I'll take that ring off" Aria threatened, jokingly. Before wrapping and arm around Aidens waist as he put an arm over her shoulder. Ethan and himself talked it out while she was talking to Scott. They would protect this girl with their lives.


Wow, yes, I did that. I felt like the twins story for redemption was just getting started in the show and then they killed Aiden. So, I decided to keep them around. Season 4 will be jammed packed with characters. We have, allison, Cora, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden. Talk about stress writing. Ok, so the next chapter we'll see a bit of Stiles and Aria, and even malia and Aria.

Thanks for all the reads ❤️


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