The Fox and the Wolf pt.1

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Scott, Isaac, and I were all in Kira's room. "This looks just like me" Kira said as she turned the picture over to see the date, 1943. " This has to be my grandmother" she was still in shock about learning that she was a kitsune, so I was going to reframe from telling her one little important detail.

" You remember how we told you about Malia? She's the last one who saw Stiles at Eichen House. This picture and this." I held up the sword, " They found it buried with a body in the wall. The same backwards 5 the oni put on you guys" I explained. This all kinda goes back to Kira's family. We're going to have to pay them a visit. Sooner rather than later.

" This sounds like it goes back to your family. Your grandmother and your mom" Isaac said aloud as he looked between Kira and I. Suddenly her phone buzzed and she looked worried. " What is it?" Scott asked. " My dad" she rushed out. Kira ran out of her room to grab a something as we rushed out the house and to my car. Scott and I in the front. Kira and Isaac in the back.

We burst through the school doors as we ran into the history room. " Kira! Did you bring it?" Noshiko called to her. She handed her mom the bottle, " you gonna tell me what it is?" Kira asked as we watched in anticipation. " Reishi" her mom opened the bottle. " You're not seriously giving dad magic mushrooms" we all watched as Mr.Yukimura started coughing up blood and a fly into a napkin.

" Stiles did this?" Scott asked with a sad look on his face. " He wanted the last kaiken" Noshiko pulled out a representation of her tails. " I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared" she put it away.

" Mom, you need to talk to us, about everything" Kira pleaded with her mom. Isaac handed a photo to Noshiko, who, surprisingly looked surprised. " Where did you get this?" She snatched the photo out of his hands. " Is it grandma?" Kira asked curiously. " It's me" Noshiko admitted.

Medical and staff were loading things off the truck, small talk being passed around. "Hayes, a little help here" the officer said to his friend that was tossing the baseball. " Merrick , what did you say the count was?" An officer asked, "five" he replied.

While the soldiers were looking one way, a young Noshiko was stealing supplies. Taking whatever she could. She had a smirk on her face as she stole Hayes baseball.

" If that's you, then you'd have to be like 90 years old" Scott said in amazement. " Try 900" Noshiko corrected him. " Ok, sure. Why not? Dad how old are you?" Kira asked while trying to keep her cool. " 43, but I've been told I look mid-30's" his dad answer with a little bit of a proud tone.

Kira handed her mom the katana, Noshiko walked to the front of the desk. She opened it and the blade's shattered pieces came falling out. " The blade was shattered the last time it was used" she turned to us. " When was that?" Kira asked curiously. " 1943" I realized, Noshiko turned her head towards me.

" I knew you knew" she held a serious tone. " I took a guess" I shrugged my shoulders. "Shadow hunters, rare to hear about. Even rarer to see" she said. I honestly don't know how to take that. " Well, you have 3 teenage shadow hunters living right here in Beacon Hills" I sat on a desk close by.

" All this, it's all happened before, hasn't it?" Isaac asked, but he already knew. " Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Kira's dad said a quote to us.

" Where did it come from?" Kira asked cautiously, afraid of the answer. " It was an internment camp during World War ll. In Oak Creek. Not too far from here" Noshiko answered.

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