Letharia Vulpina pt.1

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The transformer exploded and a live wire was loose. Kira ducked and backed away as the wire came closer. The ambulance was driving by and lost control as he crashed. Water was filling the parking lot, the wire hit the water making it electric.

The EMT got electrocuted as he stepped out of the car and into the water. " Get back! Everybody get back!" Kira shouted, trying to push the people away. Aries and Allison has just pulled up and gotten out the car. Aries has seen what was going on and pushed her out of the way. " Aries!" Allison yelled as she watched him fall. A girl was curious to see what happened, she got out of her car and also got electrocuted.

Kira seen a car stop in the water and took that as her chance to do something. Ariadne, Oceanus, Scott, Isaac, and Derek had all come to a stop when they seen what was happening. Ariadne tried to rush forward when she seen Aries. " Let me go!" She struggled against Scott. " We're immune to electricity now? I don't think so!" Her brother tried to reason with her. They all watched as Kira finally got ahold of the wire and put her hand over it, taking in all the electricity. They watched a Kira opened her eyes as they glowed a bright orange.

She dropped the wire and breathed, trying to catch her breath. Doctors and nurses all came to help everybody in the water. Ariadne and Oceanus didn't waste a minute to get to Aries.

" He's not breathing! Guys he's not breathing!" Ariadne yelled out to them. They all rushed over to try and help him. " He's not breathing" Oceanus rushed to a doctor and helped get them on a gurney.

Scott opened his eyes and looked down at the girl who laid on his chest. Those events played in his head over and over again. Scott and Isaac literally had to drag Ariadne away from the hospital, just to get her to sleep. But she didn't go quietly, she did everything in her power to try and stay.

Ariadne stirred awake and pulled away from Scott. He sat up and she sat beside him. " I'm sorry" she whispered as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. " I was just so scared and worried last night. I didn't want to leave him" Scott nodded as he understood, he would've done the same thing.

Ariadne and Scott walked downstairs to see Melissa at the table staring into space. " Any news?" Scott asked as they walked over to the table. " They're still looking for him. It's past the 48 hour mark. And I guess if anybody's gonna show up after missing for two days, it's Stiles" Melissa tried to ease the teenagers nerves.

" What about Aries?" Ariadne asked next. "Maybe we should stop by the hospital before school" Melissa suggested. Scott and Ariadne knew that they had to tell the parents what's really wrong with Stiles. Ariadne was well at her breaking point with the whole thing, she didn't want to see any of her best friends hurt. She knew that everybody was going to be stretched thin, from dealing with Stiles, to the oni. Maybe even dealing with Kira. Nobody said it but they were all thinking it, nobody knew if everybody would come out of this ok, or alive.


Scott, Melissa, and I all walked up to Allison, I tapped her shoulder, waking her up. " Have you been here all night?" Melissa asked a little shocked. She nodded, " they wouldn't let me see them because I'm not family. I told them his dads out of town" She explained. " I'm family, how about I go show them?" I asked rhetorically as I went to walk forward but Scott pulled me back. " Well I have a key card" Melissa showed us as she walked ahead.

" Calm down" Scott said to me as he rubbed my back. I sighed and nodded. I was getting angry and I needed to let it out.

Melissa opened the door and stepped aside for us. I walked in first, Allison right behind me. When we got closer I felt her grab my hand. I looked to her and gave her a small nod. " I thought he'd be healing by now" Allison spoke from the side of me, " so did I" Scott agreed. I dropped my hand from Allison's as I grabbed his hand. " What're you doing?" Allison asked me as I grabbed my stele.

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