More Bad Than Good pt.1

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We we're running back to the crash when Scott and I yelled. " Stiles!" I yelled once again putting a hand over my heart. " I think I found something" Stiles spoke fast. " So did we" Scott said, Stiles gestured is to follow him and we did.

We came upon a den, and walked inside it, I was a little cautious but I don't think she was coming back here anyway. " It's a coyote den" the flashlight shining on different parts of the den. " Were-coyote" I corrected, " haven't heard of those in a long time" I added. " You see this? This is Malia's. It was the same one she was wearing in the photo" Stiles grabbed onto the jacket. Scott grabbed a bear. " We shouldn't be in here" I stood up, " what, why?" Stiles asked. " She's a were-coyote, super territorial. We just invaded her home, she won't come back here, she'll be harder to catch" we all walked out. " Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles asked Scott as we all stood outside.

" Maybe. I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf" Scott said and I sighed. " What about you?" Stiles directed the flashlight my way. I was going to answer but Scott did, " no way. Last time she did it by herself she almost got seriously hurt" he shot the idea down.

" I think we should call your dad" I suggested. This was huge, but it would also be harder to explain. I mean imagine, girl who was thought to be dead 8 years ago, miraculously survived. How do you explain that? It also doesn't help that she can't control her transformation.

After the confrontation with the sheriff, agent McCall, and Mr.Tate, I was ready to go home. I walked in my room to see Isaac sitting on my bed. " Why are you dirty?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. " Is that what you have to say? I've got a better one for you, why are you in my room, in the middle of the night?" I asked, it sounded a little harsh but I was just tired. " I'm sorry, it's just been a lot" I apologized.

" No, no it's fine. I'm just gonna go" he shook it off and tried to walk away. " Wait! You wanted to talk?" I asked making him stop, " please? I just want a normal conversation, not one about a girl trapped inside the body of a coyote" he looked at me weirdly but sat back down.

" I was just coming to talk. I know things have been a little awkward or at least a little weird between us since your guys party" he said, and I knew where this was going. " I was just wondering how you felt about me? About us?" He asked, and I leaned back in my chair. " I don't know" I admitted, " it seems like I'm torn between you and Scott" I answered as I fiddled with bracelet he gave me for my birthday.

" What do you mean?" He asked confused, " I mean that, it's like ever since that day I was trying to track their parents and we had that little moment, old feelings came back. I thought that part of my life was over. Now I'm not so sure" I whispered the last part. And it was the truth, it's like now that I'm saying it out loud I'm able to sort my feelings.

" Yea, I thought that part of us, was over. But then I saw you that day, and it was like for the first time, in a long time, I was able to see the real you" he agreed. We were now face to face, barely any room left between us. " Isaac" I whispered and our lips crashed. It was like the first time we kissed, and I couldn't help but feel a little joy. We pulled away, " I'm sorry. I know your working things out with Scott, and I have an attraction for Kira" he tried to get up but I made him stay there. " Isaac! It's ok. I think that we needed that, we need closure. I think that no matter what, the feelings will be there, but I think we know we can't go back to how it used to be" I admitted, I may have felt happy when I kissed him, but not like how I was when I kissed Scott.

" Yea, I think I always knew that. But enough with the heavy, now what is a girl doing trapped inside the body of a coyote?" He asked and I smiled, I told him everything I know.

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Ocean, Cora, and I were all in history before the bell rings. " Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trails" Stiles pointed at the tablet. " Well that could narrow it down, coyotes use that to travel and navigate through the woods" Cora said, giving a little piece of information.

" I think you're right about her not going back to the den, coyotes don't like wolves. And their really smart, if they don't want to be heard, they walk on their toes" Allison agreed while looking at me.

" Coyotes tiptoe?" Oceanus and Stiles asked in unison, " yes they tiptoe" she confirmed. Then the bell rung, " we gotta go, but send me the pinged location" Allison, Oceanus, and Cora all left the room. I was going to but Kira stopped in front of me. " Hi, I'm Kira. You knew that, I don't know why I just told you that. Anyway, I have something g for you" she talked fast as she opened her bag, " for me?" I asked. " Yea. About the Bardo, my explanation was sort of all over the place. I did some research and printed it out for you and Isaac" she looked up and then looked back down, still searching. " Oh, you didn't have to do that" I smiled at her, " it only took a couple hours" she said like it was nothing, "then you really didn't have to do that" I stressed.

" Kira, you forgot all that research for that new friend of yours and the boy you like" her dad came up and handed her that stack of paper. Kira slowly turned around with her head hung low, " Kira, it's ok. I'm proud to be your first official friend" she looked up and smiled at me, " FYI, I think Isaac likes you too" I hinted and took the papers from her. " Can I get a note?" I called out, her ad shook his head yes. It's funny considering that I have his class later today.

" So your telling me that her dad just exposed her in front of his whole class, including Scott and Stiles?" Lydia asked while Aries was just laughing. We were in science while I was skimming over the pages, I was telling them what happened. " That just cold. If my dad or anybody ever did that to me, I would never speak to them again" Aries said and I agreed.
" Yea, but on the bright side, I made a new friend" I smiled as I held up the papers.

" So tell me more about Malia" Lydia said, and Aries nodded, wanting to also know. " She's a were-coyote. They're kind of rare, you don't really hear about them, very similar to werewolves. Also we think we found a way to turn her back" I said with a little concern laced in my tone. " But?" Aries motioned for me to keep going, " we'll have to keep an eye on her. She'll only know what she knows from the woods and before she turned. It'll be hard for her to trust us" I said.

" You mean like, make her apart of the pack?" Lydia asked and I nodded.


Derek and Peter Hale are trapped. Chained to a fence but the Calaveras. " I don't won't to make it seem like we don't appreciate your hospitality, but could you maybe but that on ice" Peter gestured to his finger. " Or maybe, an extra large bandaid? Antibiotic? Ointment?" Peter suggested to the hunter.

Suddenly you could hear footsteps from upstairs, then gunfire. Bullets and shell casings coming down through the floorboards. Then the door opened, the hunter on watch tried to shoot her but she took away the gun and hit him with it. She turned around and smirked, walking over to them, looking up and down. Derek did the same, but not in that way.

" Your the one who saved Aria, Ocean, Aries, and Isaac" Derek realized. " I was the one who was hired to save them" she confirmed. "Someone hired you to get us out of here?" Peter asked. " Someone hired me to get Derek out of here. You, I'm totally fine leaving for dead" she stared down Peter as she helped Derek out.

" When did I get this reputation?" Peter sarcastically asked Derek. " Who hired you?" He ignored Peter. " Deucalion" she stayed with ease. " Deucalion? The guy that did that to you?" Peter referred to her claw marks. " A girl's gotta eat" she shrugged her shoulders and turned to Derek.

" I gotta call Aria. She's gotta look out for Cora" Derek looked around for a phone. He remembered the hunters asking about the she wolf, he assumed they meant Cora. " You can do that later. Let's get the hell out of here" she started walking away. " We can't, we can't leave without it" Derek looked to Peter. " Without what?" She asked, but she didn't turn around.


So like.... if I posted another story would y'all read it? Cuz like it's gonna be about Julie and the phantoms, but that's if I write it. Idk


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