Party Guessed pt.2

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" So I see you gave the pretty headband to Erica" I sarcastically said to Derek as I watched him chain up Isaac and Boyd. She gave me a look but I have her a thumbs up in return. "You know she'll be able to withstand more pain then the boys" he said to me as he stood beside me. I grabbed his hand and led him out the cart. " So Lydia told me that Allison's mom is ok" I said as I sat us down. " By ok you mean like she's healthy and nothings wrong. I don't need another monster loose in the streets" Derek told me and I let out a small laugh. " I don't even know what she could turn into, she fucking crazy" I joked and and laugh came from Derek. " But seriously is she turning?" Derek asked and I nodded. " I don't know for sure, but Lydia said she looked healthy. I guess the question now is, since she's turning is she going to take her life?" I asked and Derek shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly we heard screaming and roars.

We rushed in to see Isaac, Boyd, and Erica all changing. " Do you think that'll hold them?" I asked Derek but my eyes didn't leave them. "Definitely. Should we call Scott?" Derek asked but I shook my head no. I watched Isaac closely as his eyes kept flickering to his yellow ones and then back to brown. " How do you guys not feel this?" He asked as he struggled against the chains. " I feel every second of it. I'm just in better control" Derek said as he went to double check on the chains. Isaac then looked towards me, " I feel it as well. Shadow hunters feel the pull of the moon, we just have better control over ourselves" I said naturally. " So how do you control it?" Isaac asked us.

" You find an anchor, something that keeps you grounded" Derek said. " Something that's meaningful to you, for me it's my friends and family" I said to him, throwing a suggestion out. " For me it's anger. You bind yourself in it. Keeps your human side in control" Derek said as he looked up towards Isaac. " You mean Scott? Or Oceanus? Even Aries?" Isaac questioned and I nodded. " Isaac don't stress, control takes time. You'll know what it is when you're ready" I said and Isaac nodded taking deep breaths. " That should do it" Derek said and the bus seat moved back a little, we all turned our heads to see Erica and Boyd already turning, the only thing that wasn't out was their fur and ears.

Derek and I watched as they all struggled against the restraints. " Scott can you call us back, we're probably gonna need some help" I said into the phone as I left him a voicemail, again. " Definitely gonna need some help" Derek said and I hit him in the chest, " don't you think that a little rude? I am the help" I said as I walked into the cart. Derek flicked out his claws and went towards Isaac, I went towards Boyd and Erica. Erica got free and tried to come at me, I punched her in the stomach and shoved her back. I looked and saw Derek handling Isaac. " Really Derek? You couldn't hold him!" I shouted as I watched Isaac jump out the cart, and Boyd came around and wrapped his arms around me, I backed us up and smashed him into the wall. He let go and I turned quickly to punch him in the face. I looked over to see Erica trying to escape so I took two daggers and threw them through her hands. I turned around and saw Boyd come at me, I didn't have enough time so he knocked me off my feet, he slashed at my arms and tried for my throat. Suddenly he got pulled off and seen Isaac roar at him. Derek has ahold of Erica as he took the daggers out of her palms. I sighed and looked towards Isaac who looked at me and Derek. " Looks like somebody has an anchor" I said as I made my way towards Isaac and gave him a hug.

Derek has grabbed a set of new chains to keep Isaac held down, Derek and I insisted that he didn't need to but he insisted. " We think you'll be ok now. Looks like you found an anchor" Derek said as he tightened the chains. " My father. Along with Aria and Ocean" Isaac said as he looked at me, we were his anchor? " Your father locked you in a freezer, in the basement to punish you" Derek said and I guess he couldn't believe that his dad was his anchor as well. " He didn't always. There was a time when he was happy. And the twins, they were there for me when it started, they gave me ways out. Sometimes they would come over and have dinner with us, they would make sure my dad was asleep before they left just so I wouldn't have to go through all of that" Isaac said and I could feel tears come into my eyes but I pushed them back, I remember that it would be 11 o'clock at night and we would still stay with Isaac just to be sure.

We walked out and left him alone, " I had no idea life was that bad for him" Derek said to me and I nodded. " Yea it was like after his mom and brother his dad couldn't take it anymore. When we found out we did everything we could" I told him. It was silent between us but we snapped our heads to the noise coming from the stairs. " Lydia?" We questioned but she didn't say anything. She opened up her hand and blew purple powder in his face, knocking him out. " Lydia what the hell are you doing?" I questioned and she just had this weirdly calm expression on her face. She took something metal and hit me across the face with it, causing me to get knocked out.


Lydia had dragged both Derek and Ariadne to the Hale house. She didn't need Ariadne but she took her as a precaution, so she tied her up.

" Lydia, Lydia stop" Derek said as he hazily looked around and saw the female shadow hunter tied up a few feet away from them. Lydia didn't listen as she proceeded with the ritual that would bring back Peter Hale. " You don't know what you're doing" Derek breathlessly said as he felt his hand go in Peter's life less hand.

Ariadne woke to the sound of Derek yelling. She hazily looked around to see that they were back at the house and she was Lydia watching over Derek. They all jumped in surprise when Peter Hale came out of the ground. Derek crawled over to Ariadne to let her out of the ties. " I heard there was a party. Don't worry, I invited myself" Peter smirked and walked out of the house. Lydia walking out a few minutes afterward leaving Derek and Ariadne alone. " I know now why Lydia was the town wack job. I don't know if I should call her a bitch but it seems like the appropriate thing to do" Ariadne said as she felt Derek loosen the rope around her hands and feet. " I think we need to call Deaton" Derek said as he collapsed on the ground. Ariadne went to stand up but she fell as well. " Are you ok?" She questioned as she noticed Derek breathing a little slower. " Yea it's just that my psychotic uncle is back from the dead. Are you ok?" He asked and looked towards her to see all the claw marks and blood all over her. " Yea I'm just gonna make that call the Deaton now" she said and slowly pulled out her phone. " It's me, yea we're gonna need a little help" she said and looked at Derek who's eyes were closed.

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