De-Void pt.3

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" Is there anything that you'd like to say on your own behalf, Mr. Stilinski?" The review board lady asked. " As far as I know it's still Sheriff, until you relieve me of this postion. And if you do decide to relieve me of said position, then get to deciding. Because this whole hearing crap is a waste of my time" the sheriff got up and was getting ready to leave, but McCall spoke up.

" I have a few words of my own" Noah turned around, " fantastic" he sighed as he sat back down.

Back at Scott's house, Lydia, Deaton, and Scott were trying to come up with a plan. Scott was trying not to pace considering his girlfriend could be in danger and one of his best friends could die.

" The scroll said to change his body" Lydia reminded Deaton. " That's if I translated it correctly. We're looking for a cure in something that might actually not be anything more than a proverb or a metaphor" Deaton warned.

" And what if he doesn't want it? He's never asked to be a werewolf" Scott reminded her. "What if it saves his life?" Lydia asked. "What if it kills him?" Deaton countered. They ran the risk of Stiles dying from the bite. Two supernatural genes flowing through him and clashing in his blood could kill him probably before the oni could.

" I mean, what if I bite him and accidentally hit an artery or something?" Scott ran a scenario to Lydia. " That venom is not going to last long. Something needs to be done, sooner rather than later" Deaton got them to focus back on the task at hand.

" I can call Derek" Scott sighed. It was hard trying to come up with a plan because a few people that usually do can't because they're possessed, or they're gone. " We can call someone else" Lydia suggested. Scott and Deaton wanted disagree with who she was referring to.

The doorbell rang as Peter walked in with a small smirk on his face.

Peter circled Stiles, taking a long hard look at him. " He doesn't look like he'd survive a slap across the face, much less a werewolf bite" Peter said as he crouched in front of Stiles. "You don't think it would work?" Scott questioned. " It's more about the mind than the body. There are better methods to winning this battle" Deaton stepped forward. " What kind of methods?" He asked. Peter grabbed Scott's hand and flicked out his claws. "We're gonna get into his head".

Back at school Ethan and Danny were still there. " So, can I tell coach you're trying out?" Danny asked hopeful. " I'll think about" Ethan still had that same robotic voice. " Sounds like a yes to me!" Danny left.

" What?" Ethan felt his brother behind him and dropped his bag. "Trying out for the team?" Aiden asked. " Why not?" Aiden stepped forward. " You have no idea what's going on, do you?" He asked. " Why should I care? Scott and Ariadne are never gonna trust us anyway. You see the way Scott looks at us? Like we just bit the neighbor? One more little incident and Scott's either gonna let us go or put us down" Ethan explained to his brother. Truth is, Aiden would never say this, it's Stiles and how he got into his head.

" Im starting to think the same thing about you" Aiden smirked as he flicked out his claws. " See? That's what I'm talking about. I'd probably be in the pack right now if it wasn't for my psychotic brother, the one who had to kill everything in site" the twins circled each other.

" Careful, Ethan. You're the only thing in my sight" Aiden roared and Ethan followed. Ethan had ahold of Aiden's throat when a fart got shot into their backs, electrocuting them.

Aries, Isaac, and Oceanus all appeared in front of them. " I guess this is the part where we say something witty. I'm not witty" Aries said as he slammed the butt of the gun in their faces.


I just picked Kira up as she was having a small freak out. " I didn't Isaac was possessed. I mean, he was fine last night, and now I might have to-" Cora and I screamed her name. "Calm down. We're not gonna kill them. We just gotta put a stop to whatever stupid thing Stiles is doing to them" I said in a calm tone. "How do you know it's Stiles?" Kira asked, Cora also looked to me for an answer.

" How do you know it's not? I mean do we want to run the risk of thinking there's another problem in Beacon Hills that we have to deal with? I sure as hell don't. I need a break after this" I sighed as we pulled up to the school.

" Allison!" I called out to her as I seen her getting ready. " Oh, thank god! I thought I was gonna have to go in there by myself" she said as she shut the trunk of her car. Cora had her claws out, Kira had her sword ready, and Allison had her bow. I didn't bring any weapons except for my bracelet that I turned into a staff.

Kira took the tissue out of the drink Isaac had ready in his hand. " Nice sword" he complimented. I came behind to see in just enough time Aries and Oceanus coming at me. "Allison!" I yelled for her to help Kira out. Cora came and stood beside me as we backed up. "Hey, good to know you're alive and well. Super awesome. Could we, I don't know, maybe take a chill pill? Talk this out?" I suggested. They just smirked at me. "Guess not" Cora muttered. I rushed Aries as did Cora with my brother. I punched him and shoved him back with the staff. Cora hit Oceanus and swept his leg.

I grabbed Cora's hand as we rushed back to Kira and Allison. " Big problem" Allison muttered. I turned my head to see Isaac and the twins. We slowly backed into coach's office and shut the door, pushing his desk up against the wall. " Was that a good idea?" Kira asked. "Probably not" Cora answered.

Aries and Oceanus now joining them. "Ok, these odds are so not fair!" I exclaimed. But I had to remember that life isn't always fair. Isaac, Aries, and Oceanus all turned around slowly as the twins roared in their face. "They're not gonna try to kill each other, are they?" Allison asked hopeful. "They're gonna try" I answered as we back away as glass came smashing through the door.

" We're gonna need a plan, and fast" Cora said as I nodded. " Ok, there's four of us and five of them. Who wants to take who?" I questioned. Everybody stayed silent. " Ok, look. Either way, one of us is gonna have to take on an extra person. If you guys want I can handle my brother and Aries. You guys handle the wolves" I said. It was gonna be easier to fight them anyways because I know their moves.

" Remember, try not to kill them" Allison reminded. " I was just gonna try and stay alive" Kira said. " That too" I added. Ok, I can do this. Don't kill them, that's all I have to do.

" Now!" Cora said as Kira and Allison kicked open one door, Cora and I the other. As soon as we got in we separated. I rounded the corner as I seen Aries and Oceanus standing side by side hold staff's. " We stopped by the house" Oceanus said as he shrugged. I sighed in frustration as I charged first. Our weapons meeting in the middle, Aries tried coming at me so I shoved him off as I hit him in the side.

" You guys are really gonna be sore when we're done" I said as I went to block a hit the Oceanus was coming at me with. I backed away a little as I kept blocking. " Let's just chill out. Catch up on everything we missed" I let out a grunt as I got kicked into the lockers. This really wasn't fair.

I started to crawl back as they walked closer. Right when they were about to hit me, I grabbed the staff and kicked Aries in the stomach, shoving him into the lockers. I got up quickly and punched Oceanus in the face. He laughed a little as he came at me again.

" I'm so tired of this" I mumbled as my back hit Cora's. I gave her a little help with Isaac and shoved him off her. Oceanus caught me by surprise as he hit me and threw me on the floor. I swept his leg and got up to find Aries. Allison and Kira were backing up from him and the twins. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him back.

He smirked as he grabbed the staff, I blocked it as we met in the middle. Oceanus joining him as well. My feet were sliding back as I struggled against them. Then black blood oozed out of their noses and fell. " Guys!" I yelled. "Their knocked out" the girls came aground the lockers. " I guess Stiles is ok now" I said as I sat on the bench and took a deep breath, this is ridiculous.

" I'll call Deaton" Cora mumbled as she stepped away.

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