The Overlooked pt.2

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" I just wanna say, before whatever happens, my name's Ariadne" I made my bracelet into a whip. She charged at me, I tried to swing my staff but she caught it, she knocked me off my feet. " I'm Kali" she looked down at me. I kicked her in the leg and knocked her down, giving me a chance to stand up, she got up as well. She tried to punch me but I grabbed her hand. I dropped my staff and elbowed her in the side, she locked her arm around me and took her knee, and kicked me in the stomach multiple times. She pushed me back a little, I picked up my staff blocking every hit that she tried to come at me with. Then she caught up to me and clawed at my stomach and a little bit of my arm. I had enough, I head butted her, causing her to stumble, I took my staff and hit her in the head, knocking her out. " Well, I gotta say, I think I would've liked you a whole lot more if you didn't kill Boyd" I said through labored breaths, holding my stomach.

I needed to find the others, and fast. Preferably before Jennifer does.


Allison was walking back from checking up on Lydia, to meet up with Aries and Isaac. " I haven't been able to get ahold of Derek or Scott" Isaac said, not looking up from his phone, " or Ariadne. She usually answers" Aries put her name out there. " How's Lydia?" Aries followed up. " Uh, she's ok, she's got bruising on her neck. They're taking her to the hospital downtown because Beacon Memorial is being evacuated" She explained, Isaac looked out the windows, " the storms that bad?" she nodded. " I overheard the EMT say that the backup generators might be too old to last if the power goes out" she looked around for her dad. " Beacon Memorial. Isn't that where Cora is?" Aries asked, Isaac nodded. Suddenly Argent walked up to the three of them, " I'm taking the three of you home" he placed a hand on his daughters back. " No we've got to go to the hospital, we can't leave Cora with just Peter" Isaac tugged on Aries jacket to get him to follow. " Isaac, Aries" Argent called out, making them stop in their tracks, " I'll drive" he held up his keys as he looked at his daughters pleading face.


" Me be quiet! Me! Your mass murdering, psychotic girlfriend, second one you dated by the way, has my dad tied up somewhere waiting to be sacrificed" I heard Stiles say to Derek from a little ways down the hall. " The twins are still looking, which means they haven't found her" I heard Oceanus try to calm him down. " Yea well we don't have her either. By the way, isn't Ariadne, your sister, still out there? I mean nobody has seen her since she went with Jennifer. What if she's dead?" Then I walked through the door, causing everybody to turn their attention to me.

" Not dead yet, but it's not just the twins, it's Kali and Deucalion, they're all here. By the way, do you have a stele?' I asked Oceanus, grabbing the stele from his hands, tracing the runes on my neck and hand. " What happened?" Derek demanded, but I put my hand up. " Why are you bleeding?" Scott walked over towards me. " If everybody would shut up for 5 minutes I'll tell you!" that seemed to make everybody quiet, " I had Jennifer, but she got spooked when she seen Kali and Deucalion. I stepped in front of her because if she dies, so does Cora. Jennifer used that as a distraction and sent me and Kali flying back. I got into a fight with Kali, I knocked her out, but I'm pretty sure she's awake and actively seeking both me and Jennifer" I caught them up to speed. " I still suggest we kill her" I suggested.

" Is she really dying?" Scott walked over to Peter, " she's not getting any better" Peter watched as Cora looked pale, and started to sweat even more. " There has to be something we can do" Oceanus walked over to her. Suddenly, we heard the doors open.

" You can't. Only I can. I can save her and tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alpha's in this hospital who want me dead" she was trying to start a deal with us, " not just the alpha's" I muttered and she turn towards me. " So I'll help you, only when I'm out and safe. Only then" she tried to strike a deal with us. " You want to show us you're on of the good guys, then heal her" Stiles pointed to Cora. " Only when I'm safe" I tried to move forward but Stiles held me back. Derek flipped over the metal table and tried to get at her but Scott and Oceanus held him back. " Derek, wait!" Scott pleaded, " she was trying to escape!" he reminded them. " You can't blame me for trying not to get killed" she tried to reason. " Let's try a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her" Peter suggested. " I agree with Peter. Let's kill her" I tried to move forward again but Stiles held his hand out. " I'm glad that you agree with me but that's not what I meant" I just flipped him off as I continued to stare at Jennifer.

" Uh, excuse me, can I have your attention?" We heard Melissa come on over the intercom, " Mr.Deucalion, I'm sorry just Deucalion. Requests that you bring the woman who calls herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. Do this and everybody else can go. You have 10 minutes" and then it cut off. I turned to Scott, I guess hearing that Deucalion has his mom changes things, I guess Jennifer realized that as well, " he's not gonna hurt her" she spoke to him. " Shut up!" Derek exclaimed. " It's true. Tell them Scott. Tell them the truth" Jennifer made all of us turn towards him. " What does she mean?" Derek asked him, but Scott stayed silent.

" You're not the only one he wants in his pack" my eyes widened once I realized what she was talking about. Scott was on his way to becoming a true alpha.


Chris pulled up right next to Derek and Stiles Jeep. They all rushed in the hospital, seeing it dark and papers scattered across the floor. " Looks like the evacuations over!" Argent yelled over the rain. Allison disagreed, "are you catching a scent?" she turned towards Isaac. " No the rains too heavy" he told her as they walked further in the building.

Argent pulled out gun. Isaac stopped them. " What is it?" Allison whispered. " I think I hear something" Aries then took out his stele so he could listen better. " Can you hear it?" Isaac asked and they lowered themselves to the ground. " It sounds like it's coming from beneath us" Aries put his ear on the floor.


" Deucalion doesn't just want an alpha pack, he wants perfection. And that means adding the rarest of alpha's to his ranks" Jennifer turned towards Scott, causing all of us to do the same. " A true alpha" Peter realized, I guess I wasn't the only one who knew. " What is that?" Stiles looked towards us, " Somebody who doesn't have to steal his power. One that can rise by the force of his own will" I informed him, causing Scott to turn towards me. " You knew?" He asked, but I shook my head, " I suspected. It was that night you fought Ennis. What Jennifer said just confirmed it" I pointed towards her. " Our little Scott" Peter teased, earning a look from Derek.

" It doesn't matter" Scott tried to shake it off but in all reality, it's a big deal, " we still need to get her out of here" he turned towards Jennifer. " Scott, your mom-" Oceanus went to speak but Scott cut him off. " My mom said that there's an ambulance coming in 20 minutes. I don't think we've been here for that long" he tried to be optimistic.

" The twins aren't just gonna let us walk out of here" I reminded them of one of our problems, " I'll distract them" Scott was trying to come up with a plan. " You mean fight them" Derek corrected, " whatever I have to do" Scott agreed. " I'll do it" Derek said, " I'm sorry but I'm not going anywhere without you Derek" Jennifer reminded him, and I rolled my eyes.

" Well, Jennifer. I don't know if you know, but who protects you isn't exactly a priority of ours. Besides, you'll probably just backstab them anyway. You are about the biggest back stabber I know, and I've met Peter" I pointed at him who agreed with me up until the last part. " I'll do it. But, I prefer to be out there with an advantage" He agreed, " you mean like a weapon?" Stiles asked, " something better than the baseball bat" I turned to Stiles to see that he didn't even have the bat anymore.

We were looking through the drawers to find something for Peter. " What about these?" Stiles asked, " you know how to use it?" Derek asked back. Stiles stuttered, making him put it away. " Epinephrine?" Oceanus asked as he pulled out this long, big syringe. " It's only gonna make them stronger" Scott explained, catching Peter's attention. "How strong?" He asked, " strong enough to take on a giant alpha" I took the syringe from his hands and stood in front of Peter. " Be gentle" he looked down at me, I gave him a sarcastic smile and stabbed him in the heart, plunging whatever that liquid is made of in his chest.

Peter stumbled out the door, taking the needle out and tossing it aside. Scott and I following after him. " All right, boys and girl. Let's rumble" Peter said, staring down the twins. They roared at us and Peter roared back, we let our eyes glow and we ran towards them.

Two alphas in one night, what a day.

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