The begining

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Emma's POV

"Emma come on we're gona be late." I heard Lori call from the kitchen.

"I'm coming geezz do you have to shout?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have to shout if you came down 30minutes ago when your father called for you." She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes not wanting to have the same old fight with Cruella again.

My name is Emma Grimes I'm an 18year old senior at King County High.
My dad is Rick Grimes sheriff deputy of King County. My little brother Carl Grimes is 11years old. Technically half brother same dad diffrent moms. My mom is Linda Taylor. I haven't seen here since she decided when I was 10 she didn't wana be a mother anymore and sent me to live with my dad. My dad is currently married to Lori or as I like to call her Cruella. We don't get along and that's putting it mildly.

"If your not ready in 10minutes your walking." She said.

"I can take 'em if your in a hurry."Shane said coming through the back door.

Shane works with my dad. They've been friends since they were kids.

"What are you doing here this early?" Lori asked.

"Rick asked me to stop by and grab his phone. Said he forgot it on his way out this morning."

"I'm sure he did. He was distracted this morning. Trying to get a certain princess outta bed." She replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Morning Shane."

"Morning beautiful. You and Carl wana ride with me this morning?"

Before I could answer Carl jumped up. "Yeah." He said. "Can I hit the siren?"

Shane laughed. "Sure you can buddy."

Carl and I left with Shane. I would much rather ride with him than her anyway.

Shane let Carl hit the siren a couple times before dropping him off. I moved up into the front seat after Carl got out.

"Starbucks?" Shane asked.

"Yes please." I smiled.

"Cruella on the warpath this morning he asked?"

I laughed. "You know it. I breathed her air so she's pissed."

He laughed. "It's jealousy. Your everything she's not."

I laughed shaking my head.

Shane and I had always been close. He was the first person I would complain to when Lori was being a bitch. He would always take my side. Even when I was the one in the wrong.

Pulling up outside of school I groaned. "Ugh do I have to?"

He laughed. "We could skip hangout at the lake all day. Your dad might kill us though. He really wants his phone."

I laughed. "Fine I'll go,but I feel like you owe me so."

"Whatever you say short stack."

A nickname he has called me since I could walk.

"Hahaha your funny." I said getting out. "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime I'll see ya have a good day." He said.

I waved bye as I went to catch up with my friends.

"I see officer hot stuff dropped you off." Stacey teased.

"Please don't call him that." I laughed.

"Come on you know he's hot." She said.

"I know he's my dads best friend. I'm not aloud to think he's hot." I said.

I did think he was hot though. I've had this little crush thing on Shane. Since I was 16 and she knew it. Constantly teasing me about it,even though she thought he was hot to.

"Please like that means anything." She scoffed.

"It does it means he's off limits." I said.

"Does he know that?" She chuckled.

Thankfully the bell rang and I didn't have to answer that.

"Emma,your needed in the principals office. Take your things." Mr.Bennit said.

The room broke out in oohs and ahhs.

"What's up." Stacey mouthed.

"I dono, call ya later." I mouthed back.

My heart dropped when I walked into the office and saw Shane. Something was wrong.

"Shane?" I questioned.

"Come on Emma we gotta go." He said taking my hand pulling me from the office.

"Shane what's going on?" I asked when we got in his car.

"Baby your dad has been shot. I'm taking you to the hospital. Lori and Carl are on their way there now."Shane said.

"Is he..." I couldn't finish I was crying to hard.

"Come here." Shane said hugging me to him. "It's gona be okay."

When we got there Lori was talking with a doctor. Shane stood with her I went to Carl.

"Is dad gona die Emma?" He asked crying.

"Dad's strong buddy if anyone can come back its him." I said wanting to believe it.

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