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We roamed around taking shelter where ever we could find it. It had been a couple months. Since we lost the farm,since I lost Shane. I hadn't really spoken to dad or Daryl since the first night. It killed me not having Daryl to talk to. I mean I had Maggie but it was diffrent with Daryl.

"Hey are you okay?" Maggie asked coming up beside me.

"Yeah,I'm okay now." I had been throwing up alot lately. I was really starting to worry as to why.

Maggie seemed to be thinking the same thing I was.

"I can get you a test. Next time Glenn and I make a run. If you want me to."

"Thanks Maggie, please just don't say anything to anyone."

"Of course I won't." She said hugging me.

A few days later her and Glenn were going on a run. I waited nervously for them to get back.

"Ye ever gona talk to me again?"

I knew the voice without having to look up. As much as I was mad at him right now. I also needed my best friend.

"I dono." I said.

"That's better than no." He sat down beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want ye to hurt more than you already were. I'm sorry Em."

"I'm sorry to." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

We sat talking for a few minutes before dad hollered for his help.

When Maggie and Glenn got back we made an excuse to slip off.

"Maggie, I'm scared."
"I know, but you have to find out."

I knew she was right. It was the longest 5minute wait on my life.

"What am I gona do Maggie? I don't know how to be a mom, and Shane is gone."

"Hey it's ok your not alone we'll all help. You know I'll be there and Daryl. It's gona be ok."

"Thanks Maggie."

Shane had been gone almost 3months. So I knew I was at least that far along. Which meant I was about a month behind Lori. I couldn't even begin to think how I was gona tell her and dad.

Over the next month Maggie kept bringing it up and I kept putting it off.

"Emma your at least 4months now ur belly is starting to grow. You have to tell them."

I knew she was right most of clothes where form fitting so it was easy to tell I was getting bigger. Most of the time I would steal one of Daryl's shirts to hide it.

"Okay I'll tell them,but I wana tell Daryl first."

I'm glad Maggie understood why I wanted Daryl to know first.

"Hey will you come walk with me?" I asked him when Maggie and I got back from our talk.

"What's wrong?" He asked after we were away from the others.

"Why do you think somethings wrong?"

"Cause I know when somethings bothering you so tell me."

"Okay...I um please don't freak out on me okay? And dont....dont stop being my friend."

"Em, what the hell is it?"

"I'm having Shane's baby." I blurted out.

His eyes were wide and his mouth hanging open.

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