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Emma's POV

After a few more days I decided to quit sulking. It had been almost a week.

"It's good to see you out and about. Feeling better?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah I'm good." I smiled.

"Good, glad to have ya back." He said bumping my shoulder with his.

"Thanks." I chuckled nudging him back.

I had dropped Hunter off with Beth and was planning on finding dad and Carl. After talking to Glenn. I found them down in the field. Going through the crops.

"Hey you dad said kissing my forehead. It's good to see you out. Feeling better?"

Before I could answer we heard gunfire, coming from inside the prison.

"Stay close." Dad yelled as the three of us ran towards the courtyard.

"Carl go to the tower with Maggie,Don't argue." Dad said.

"Walkers in D." Glenn yelled as we came through the gate.

"What about C?" I asked panicked thinking of Hunter and Judy.

"It's clear, we locked the gates to the tombs." Sasha said running towards us. Daryl close behind her.

When we got to D block it was chaos.

"Emma get out of here." Dad yelled.

"You need help we ain't got time to argue." I said back ushering people out of the block.

Once the lower level was cleared dad, Daryl and I went to the upper level.

Passing by an open cell a walker came out grabbing Daryl catching him off guard. I tossed my knife into it's head just as it was about to bite his shoulder.

Our eyes meet for a moment before I looked away.

"It's Patrick." I said as dad and Glenn walked up to us.

Hershal and Dr.S were tending to the wounded while we checked the other cells and took care of the body's.

Daryl kept close but didn't say anything.

I grabbed a walker through a locked cell door stabbing it's head.

Dad called for Dr.S and Hershal to come look. He had turned with no bites or scratches. He had been locked in the cell.

"I think he just died." Dad said.

"Horribly, too Pleurisy aspiration." Dr.S said.

"Choked on his own blood." Hershal added. "Caused those trails of blood down his face."

"Saw um before on walkers outside the fence." Dad said.

"Saw um on Patrick to." I whispered.

"Internal lung pressure build up. Kind of like when you shake up a soda. Only the top is your eyes,ears,nose and mouth" Dr.S explained.

"Someone locked him in just in time." Hershal said.

"No man, Charlie used to sleepwalk. Locked himself in. Hell he was just eating bbq yesterday." Daryl said.

"How do you die in a day from a cold?" I asked.

"I had a sick pig died quick." Dad said.

"Pigs and birds, how these things spread before." Hershal said.

"All of us in here. We've all been exposed." Dr. S said.

Daryl, dad and Hershal all looked to me. I knew they had to be thinking the same thing I was Hunter and Judy.

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