He knows

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As Daryl and I sat playin with Hunter. Trash trucks came rolling through the gates. Dad had made alias with a group,who Carl called the garbage pail kids.

Hunter,Judy and the rest of the children. Were to be hidden away in the attic of one of the houses. Being kept safe by a group of older ladies. Not able to participate in the actual fight.

Daryl and I helped getting them settled. We kissed Hunter and Judy before making our way down to the gate. Where dad,Michonne and Carl stood with Jandis and her people.

"What you fight for? Jandis asked looking around.

"Not the place....the people,each other. Your apart of that now." Dad replied.

"We take, we don't bother---our way. May be another way." She said.

She gave an odd look between dad and Michonne.

"Yours?" She asked jestering at dad.

"Yeah we're together." Michonne answered looking confused.

"I lay with him after. You care?" Jandis asked casually.

Daryl,Carl and I snickered. Trying to hold back our laughter.

The look on dad's face priceless.

"We should get back to work." Michonne replied.

"Yeah." Dad said backing away.

Daryl went outside the gates with Rosita and Aaron. Setting up explosives. Everyone else getting into their own postions.

Finally we recived the signal. They had been spotted and were almost to us. I passed glances with dad and Carl. Daryl held tightly to my hand.

As they approached all of us were more than a little shocked to hear Eugune's voice coming through. He went on a speech trying to get us to surrender.

"Will you comply Rick?" Eugune questioned.

"Where's Negan?" Dad asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm Negan." He replied.

Dad hesitated for a moment before giving Rosita the go ahead to set off the explosives.

Everyone ducked and waited but nothing happened. A look was shared among us before Jandis and her group turned their guns on us. Moments later they opened the gates.

"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit, but didn't know shit. And got everyone he gave a shit about killed?" Negan boasted.

Shane standing at his side. His eyes focused on Daryl and I. A look of pure hate on his face. Worry for Daryl quickly took hold of me as I watched Shane.

"Y'all are gona wana put your guns down now." Negan continued.

"No one drops anything." Dad said. Then saying something to Jandis which we couldn't hear.

"You push me,and you push me. Rick, you just tried to blow us up right? I get me and my people,but Eugune? He's one of yours. And after he stepped up. You people are animals." Negan laughed.

Shane and Dwight uncovered and lifted a coffin upright from the back of the truck.

"So You don't like Eugune anymore. You guys gotta like Sasha? I do. Got her right here." He pointed to the coffin.

"She's alive and well, I brought her so I wouldn't have to kill all you. Not killing you could get complicated. I know there's alot of fire power left in there. So let's make it simple.......I want all the guns you managed to scrape up. I want all the lemonade you got left. I want you to chose a person for Lucille." He paused looking around to us.

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