I do

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The next day we went to see Father Gabriel about marrying us. Neither of us wanted big or flashy just us and him. Just so it would be real.

"Emma, a moment please?" Deanna asked walking towards me.

"What can I do for you?"

"I hear congratulations are in order. May I see?" She asked reaching for my hand.

"It's gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"I have something for you. Now it's not exactly the real thing but it's something you can frame."

Handing me the thick piece of paper I turned it over.

"Thank you, Deanna this is wonderful."

She had made us a make shift marriage licence.

"No thanks needed. Congratulations again dear." She kissed my cheek and took off.

"Can we at least have a little thing after just us? Please."

I laughed. "Okay Mags."

"Yay! Rosita and I will work it out don't lift a finger. I'll see you later." She said.

"What was that all about?" Daryl asked coming in as she was leaving.

"She's planning a something "after" for tommrow." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Your gona be officially all mine tommrow." He whispered against my neck. As he placed soft kisses.

I turned facing him bringing our lips together. "Hunter's down for her nap."

He smirked lifting me up. My legs going around his waist. He sat on the couch so that I was straddling him. He licked and kissed at my neck before sucking at the spot right below my ear.

I moaned as I felt his teeth dig into my skin.

"Harder please."

I felt his smirk against me as he bit harder.

The pain of the bite and the pleasure of the sucking was almost to much.

"You keep grinding into me that hard this ain't gona last long."

"I'm sorry...it felt good." I pouted.

He kissed me hard his tongue fighting with mine.

"Lay down baby I'm gona make you feel good."

I laid down on the couch as he removed my jeans and panties. Spreading my legs wide. He stared for a moment before moving his face into me.

"Pretty little pussy Em." He breathed against me.

"Please Daryl."

"What baby? Tell me what you want." He said as he continued to tease.

"Stop teasing put your mouth on me please."

My breath hitched as I felt his tongue slide up and down my folds slowly. As his finger entered me.

"So wet Emma." He said before attaching his mouth to my clit.

"Oh god don't stop...so good." I breathed. My hands in his hair. I felt him slide another finger inside me.

"You taste so good Em." He said flicking my clit.

"Make me cum Daryl please."

He sucked hard on my clit. His eyes focused on my face.

"Oh fuck I'm gona cum." I yelled a little to loud. Grabbing his head grinding into him.

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