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The woman's name was Michonne. She had saw Maggie and Glenn getting taken by someone from a town called Woodbury. She agreed to take Dad,Daryl and Oscar to find them.

"Take care of your sisters till I get back ok? I love you."  I heard dad say to Carl.

"I love you girls." He said kissing mine and Judy's head.

"Love you to dad besafe." I said.

"Don't look at me like that we'll be alright." Daryl said. Quickly kissing my cheek before anyone saw.

I chuckled at his awkwardness. "See you soon."

Hershal and Carol wanted to check and make sure everything was okay with the baby. After checking he said it wouldn't be long the baby was ready and I was starting to dilate.

"Don't look so worried. Everything's gona be fine." Hershal said.

"I'm scared. What if I...what if it's like Lori?"

"Lori's delivery was under duress. Yours won't be. Try to relax get some rest. That baby is gona be here soon. You'll be begging for sleep." He smiled kissed my forehead and left the cell.

I waited up as long as I could for dad and the others to get back. Eventually I crashed. When I woke up the next morning they still weren't back,and I was starting to worry. So was everyone else.

"I'm sure their fine." Carol said.

"Probably just didn't wana travel at night." I said.

"Who you two trying to convince us or yourselves?" Carl chuckled.

Carl and I were in the field when we saw them pulling up.

Looking around I noticed Daryl wasn't with them. My heart sank as dad started walking towards me.

I started crying before he even reached me. "Is he dead?" I choked out.

"He's alive he found his brother,he left with him." Dad said.

"What do you mean he left? Is he coming back?"

"No hunny I'm afraid not." He's eyes watering.

I sobbed as dad hugged onto me. He knew how close Daryl and I was.

"I'm sorry sweetheart I know you care about him."

"He's my best friend.....I'm gona go lay down."

I laid on my bunk starring at the ceiling.

Placing my hand on my stomach. "You'll miss him to won't you little one?"

I cried myself to sleep that night. Realizing just how important Daryl was to me.

The next day wasn't any better. I miss Daryl and I'm tired of being pregnant.

"Hey sweetheart how are you this mornin?"

"How am I? Lets see my baby daddy's dead my best friend went MIA. I haven't seen my feet in months. I'm big as a house. I'm hungry and I need to pee." I said stomping away.

"What did I say?" I heard dad ask Hershal.

I didn't mean to be so....I just miss him.

I went outside to get some air. I watched as dad looked like he was following someone. We I saw him run towards the north tower. I went into the field. Hershal came up to me while I sat and watched him.

"What's Rick doing?" Hershal asked.

"I dono he acts like he's talking to someone then following someone." I said.

"I'll have a talk with him. You should get back up top."

I nodded and headed toward the court yard. When shots were fired. I ducked in behind the guard tower. After the firing stopped an old icecream truck tore through the gate. Dozens of walkers spilling out.

"Emma this way." I heard Maggie yell. I got through the gate and Maggie slammed it shut.

Glenn had ran through the field in the truck picking up Hershal and Michonne.

When they came through the gate I was suprised to see Daryl and Merle getting out with them.

Daryl stared at me like he didn't know what to do.

As he started to me I felt a sharp pain rip through me and water puddled under me as I went to my knees.

"Daddy her water broke." I heard Maggie yell to Hershal.

Daryl quickly picked me up carrying me inside.

"Oh god it hurts make it stop." I screamed.

"Emma just breath hunny your doing fine. Your almost there." Hershal said.

Daryl was on one side and dad on the other. "I can't do this." I cried.

"You can hunny just one big push." Hershal pleaded.

"No no I can't." I screamed.

"Em you can. You can do this." Daryl whispered.

He moved up behind me so his legs were around my sides.

"Come on you can do this. I got you."

"Ok now Emma give me one big push and its over." Hershal said.

With my back leaning against Daryl I pushed with everything I had left.

"Its a girl Emma you did it. You have a daughter." Hershal said tearing up.

I leaned against Daryl sobbing and exhausted as Hershal handed me my daughter.

"Hi baby." I cried kissing her head.

"She beautiful Em." Daryl said a tear running down his cheek.

I couldn't help but notice some of Shane in her tiny little face.

Carol took the baby to clean her up and check her over while Hershal finished with me. When he was done Daryl gently picked me up carrying me to a clean bed.

Soon my daughter was brought back to me.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart. She's amazing." Dad cried.

After everyone had seen her. Hershal kicked everyone but Daryl out so we could rest.

"I'm sorry I left Em. I promise I won't ever do that again." Daryl said. Holding on to her little hand.

After I fed her both of us started to fall asleep.

"I'm gona go so you two can sleep."



"Stay with us?"


I moved over so he could climb in with us. I placed her in the middle.

"Do you have a name yet?" He asked.

"Mmhm I was thinking maybe Hunter. My two favorite people in the world would be hunters."

He smiled. "I think Hunter is perfect."

"Hunter Nicole Grimes." I said.

"That's perfect. Hello Hunter." He said caressing her little face.

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