The future

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Days had went by since Simon and the saviors attacked Hilltop. Dad and the others had managed to collect a little food and supplies.

Dwight had gotten word to us of Negan's plan to retaliate. Alexanderia, Hilltop and the Kingdom were coming together again to fight.

I wanted to go but Daryl wouldn't even hear of it.

"If your going I'm going." I scoffed after the third time he refused me going.

"Damn it Em you ain't going. If I gotta hog tie your little ass I will."

"I'm not a child Daryl,and I'm not weak. I can fight."

"Emma, I'm not saying your weak. I know you can do this. That doesn't mean you have to."

"Emma, Daryl's right you don't need to do this. Stay with Hunter and Judy keep them safe."

"You know the two of you can't keep using the girls against me."

I walked away before either could say a word. Deep down I guess I knew they were right. My place was here keeping my daughter safe. That didn't make it any easier. I wanted to be out there with Daryl. I had almost lost him once it wasn't something I wanted to go through again.

"We're heading out Em." Daryl said walking into our trailer. He picked up Hunter hugging her to him and kissing her cheek.

"Alright." I sighed.

"I love you both Emma. I'll see you soon." He kissed my head and walked out the door.

I quickly sat Hunter in the playpen with Judy and ran after him.


He turned his arms going around my waist mine around his neck.

"I love you....please come back."

"I love you too Em. I'll be back I always am."

I said goodbyes to the others. Dread washing over me as I watched them leave. Knowing some of them wouldn't be back.

After awhile a group of saviors rolled up to the gates of Hilltop. I stayed with the girls hidden in the cellar. While the others took care of them.

I was shocked when everyone came back Negan still alive. After talking to dad and Carl. I learned Carl had persuaded dad to show mercy to Negan and what was left of his men.

I was happy it seemed to finally be over. Although I agreed with Daryl and Maggie, Negan should have been killed. It should have ended with him.

Shane had gone Awol none of us knew where he had went. He had been on the field with the others. But had disappeared before anyone knew which way he had went. A few other saviors missing with him.

Life at hilltop and Alexandria continued on. Dad,Carl,Michonne and Judy were now back in Alexandria with some of the others. Repairing what the saviors had destroyed.

Daryl and I chose to stay at Hilltop for awhile. To help Maggie with some repairs,but also to be away from Negan.

The morning after the fight Daryl took Dwight off. Letting him go promising to end him if he ever saw him again. It never ceased to amaze me the compassion he could show.

Maggie,Daryl,Jesus and I all agreed keeping Negan alive was a bad idea. We decided in time something would need to be done.

Months went by without a trace of Shane or the missing saviors. Daryl had finally started to relax a bit and was actually letting me participate in runs.

He and I had actually found and tamed a few wild horses. Although he still prefered his bike.

Dad and Michonne grew closer. Carl and I were both happy to see dad finally smiling.

Maggie had given birth to a healthy baby boy. He's the spitting image of Glenn she named him Hershal. Which suited the boy perfectly.

Today Daryl and I would be joining dad and some of the others in retrieving an old covered wagon, some farming equipment and canoos from a museum in the city. Things were going semi well till the glass floor we were trying to pull it across started to give.

As Ezekiel and I were bringing the last piece over. The floor finally caved causing me to fall through. I dangled on a rope above a room filled with walkers.

"Emma! Emma hold on." I heard the others yell as I struggled to keep my legs out of the walkers grip.

They pulled at the rope trying to get me out. Daryl taking out walkers that got to close to me.

"Come on Em reach for my hand." Dad yelled down once they had me close enough.

I reached up grabbing a shard of glass losing my balance.

"Daryl watch it." Carol yelled as he lunged on his belly. Crawling across broken glass to reach me.

Grabbing at my good hand he quickly pulled me into his arms. Dad,Michonne and Ezikel pulling him back by the waist.

"Are you alright? Let me see." He said taking my cut up hand in his.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" I asked lifting his shirt slightly inspecting the tiny cuts lining his abdomen.

"I'm fine." He replied as he bandaged my hand.

"You sure are a lucky girl. Not many men would crawl across glass." Michonne chuckled.

"Yeah, I know. It's amazing the things he would do." I smirked.

As we got closer to home the bridge was out causing us to take an alternate route running us into a herd of walkers. Ken a boy from hilltop wound up bit and then kicked by one of the horses.

When we got back to Hilltop Ken's parents were blaming Maggie for his death. Gregory made the situation worse causing Ken's mother to attack Maggie.

That night she hung Gregory in the yard infront of the others. I worried for her hoping this wasn't the start of a slippery slope.

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