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Daryl kept a tight hold on my hand as we walked. He would occasionally bend down and softly kiss my lips. We made camp that night in the woods. I sat against a tree playing with Hunter.

"I'm going hunting you wana go?" Daryl asked taking Hunter.

"Yeah, I'll go."

I took Hunter to Ty. "Would you mind watching her while we hunt?"

He smiled. "I'll take this little angel anytime.

"Thanks Ty." I said kissing his cheek.

Daryl and I kissed Hunter before walking off.

Once we were a good ways out from the group. Daryl grabbed my waist pulling me to him.

"I'm glad I have both of you back."

I smiled up at him. "So am I. I missed you both."

He leaned down placing a soft kiss on my lips that quickly became passionate.

Carefully he laid me down on the ground hovering over me.

"I love ye Em."

"I love you to." I said pulling his lips back to mine.

I moaned as he trailed kisses along my neck.

My hands going to his belt.

He looked up from my neck smirked and undid my pants as quickly as I had his.

With just a little repositioning he entered me.

"Oh god Daryl right there."

"You feel so good around me Em."

He grabbed my shoulders pushing deeper.

"Ooohh Daryl."

"Fuck Emma."

He leaned up so that he was on his knees my legs on either side of him my back arched. One hand behind my back the other he brought to my clit rubbing circles.

"Oh my god Daryl. Don't stop."

"Cum for me Emma."

Between the pace of his thrust and the pressure he was putting on my clit. It didn't take long for me to explode around him.

Minutes later he was growling.

"I'm gona cum."

"Cum inside me Daryl."

A few more thrust and I felt his release. Leaning down he placed gentle kisses on my lips and along my neck.

"I love you."

"I love you so much."

After a few more gentle kisses we got dressed.

"We should get a few squirrels before we go back." He smiled.

"Good idea." I chuckled kissing his lips again.

We walked around for an hour or so before heading back to camp with 5 rabbits and 6 squirrels.

"Come here." Maggie said pulling me to the side once we got back.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." She chuckled. "Thought your dad might not blow his top if he didn't see these." She said picking leaves out of my hair.

I laughed." Thanks Mags."

"Your welcome, I'm totally jealous though Glenn and I haven't had a moment alone since we found each other."

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