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I was taken into a room much like Shane's only twice the size. Much more elebratly decorated. I sat there what felt like forever before he came strolling in.

"Where is he? What did you do to him?"

"Now hold up just a damn minute there princess. Who exactly is it you think your talking to?"

"A jackass that's who."

He laughed. Grabbing my chin "now now watch your mouth little one."

"Daryl is fine well sorta. He kinda looks like shit. The boys really did a number on him."

I plopped myself down in the armchair crying. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"I didn't do this princess. Your people killed alot of my people. I only killed two of you. I think I was pretty fucking nice about it."

"I wana go home. Let us go home."

"Well I'm afraid I can't do that. You see Daryl would make a good soldier for me. If Shane can stand to let him live that is. And you....well he loves you doll. I can see why. Your awful nice to look at. If Shane wasn't my guy. Mmm I'd keep you for myself." He chuckled looking me up and down.

There was a knock at the door, breaking his stare.

"Shane my man cone on in. Was just having a chat with the future Mrs. Walsh."

I rolled my eyes avoiding Shane's stare.

"I called you up here to give you a break. You work hard for me. My reward to you. Take today and tommrow, get reacquainted. The following day we'll get back to it."

"Negan are you sure? I don't wana put ya out man."

"And that loyalty is why your my right hand man. I'm sure take the time. Get things straight with your girl."

"And you." He looked to me. "Stop pissing him off. Be a good little girl huh? If not Shane I got paddles feel free to borrow them." They both laughed.

"Will do boss thanks."

"Anytime, now you crazy kids get outta here......Tear that little thing up Shane." Again they laughed. I scoffed rolling my eyes.

Shane grabbed my hand walking me out of the room. It was silent between us as we walked to his room. The next couple days was just him talking and me mostly listening. In my head trying to think of a way to get Daryl and I outta here.

On the second night Shane tried getting in the shower with me. I refused and he walked away bitching. When I came out of the bathroom I looked around confused.

"Where's the couch?" I asked. That's where I had been sleeping. Against Shane's advisement.

"I had it removed." He said patting the spot in the bed next to him.

"No thank you. I'll sleep on the floor."

"The hell you will. Get your little ass in this bed now! He yelled.

I got up climbing into the bed beside him.

"See now isn't that comfy?.....Why you crying?"

"Just leave me alone." I said pulling away from his hand.

"Oh come on Emma what did I do now?"

"You seriously gona ask me that? Look how you've treated me since you've been back. You've changed to much. The old Shane would have never hurt me. Never would have talked to me the way you do."

"I'm still that guy Emma, I can be. I can be who you fell in love with. Look at me." He flipped me over onto my back.

"Do you not feel anything anymore Emma? you not want me the way you use to? He whispered. His finger tracing my collarbone.

"Shane don't."

"I like it better when you say don't stop. How many times that night in the barn? How many times did you tell me not to stop?"

"Shane that was then. Things are diffrent now. I'm.."

"Tell me, being this close doesn't turn you on. I know you still want me Emma. Let me make you feel good baby." He whispered running his tongue along my neck.

I brought my knee up.

"Goddamn it Emma." He grabbed himself.

I took the opportunity to push him to the floor.

"I told you not to touch me. We're not together anymore Shane. I'm martied to Daryl I love him. I'm sorry about what happened to you. But it doesn't change how I feel about Daryl. So just let us go home."

"Well he wouldn't be a problem if he was dead would he?" He yelled.

He started getting dressed.

"Shane where are you going? What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm taking care of shit."

I scrambled to get off the bed. "What do you mean Shane? Taking care of what?"

"I think your husband and I need to have a chat man to man."

"Shane please ok I'm sorry please I'm begging you don't please don't."

"He's dead Emma."

"Shane please I'll do anything I swear. Anything please don't hurt him."


"Yeah I swear." I cried. "Just please leave him alone. He didn't do anything wrong it was all me. If you wana blame someone blame me."

"Let's get back in bed. I'll sleep on it."

I got back in the bed getting as far away from Shane as I could.

"Come over here Emma. I want my girl close."

"Okay." I moved over cuddling into his chest.

"See baby. It's that better?...give me a goodnite kiss."

My stomach churned as I reach up pressing my lips to his.

"Good girl, gnite baby."

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