Miss you

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Shane's POV

"She's catatonic or something doc its been three days. She hasn't eaten she hasn't spoke a word. She just lays there."

"It's probably just a stress issue. Give it a couple days if nothing improves I can sedate her. Do a feeding tube if I can get ahold of the right things."

"Sure thing Doc. Emma, I have to go. I have duties here. Straighten your ass up and eat."

I kissed her head and headed to the cells.

Opening the cell I looked at the piece of trash who took my girl.

"Get up!" I yelled kicking his side.

"She's mine and I'll kill you if I have to. As soon as Negan is over this idea he can break you. I'm gona kill you anyway. I'm gona enjoy killing you......by the way we're sleeping together again. Although noones getting much sleep." I laughed as he thrashed in Dwight and fat Joey's grip trying to get at me.

Turn the music up boys. It's gona be a long day.

Emma's POV

"Heard you were under the weather doll. Ya know I think I might just have something that'll cheer you right up."

He waited seeing if I'd respond.

"Bring the little serial killer in." He yelled.

"What's wrong with her? What the hell did you do?" I knew that voice.

"Carl?" I cried. Hugging onto him.

"Emma, are you alright?"

"I miss her, I miss her so much."

"I know, I know you do."

"Wait a minute, Carl what are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm glad you asked. Little bad ass here. Snuck into one of my trucks. Killed a bunch of my men." Negan said.

"Carl! What the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed."

"I was trying to help you. Trying to get you back."

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Carl that's not worth risking your life."

"To me it is and to...well it is."

"Enough of this. Kid come on we're gona show you around." Negan started for the door.

"What are you gona do to me?" Carl asked.

"One don't shatter my image of you. Your a badass don't be scared of me. It's a disappointment. Number two you really want me to ruin the suprise? Screw you kid seriously."

He led us out into the main hall. "Check this out." He whispered. Everyone took a knee,while he gave some little shit speech. Next he took us into his wives lounge.

"I know what your thinking their hot. Your gona wana look at their titties. It's fine I don't mind and they don't mind." He said to Carl.

"Your a pig." I spat.

"Hmm, and your lucky your spoken for. Or I'd teach you a lesson."

"In your dreams."

"Twice." He laughed.

One of the girls was crying while another comforted her.

My blood boiled watching his interaction with the girl Amber.

My breath caught in my chest when Daryl and Dwight walked in. He looked at Carl and I. His eyes looked so sad. He had bruises all over his face, in various stages of healing.

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