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The ride back to the sanctuary was mostly quiet. When we got back I went straight to the room I share with Shane.

"Sorry about you chubby friend. She wouldn't have been my first choice. Anyway get some rest, I'll have your dinner sent up soon. Shane should be back from their run in the morning."

"Fine." I said going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

A little while later as I sat reading a book the door burst open. I had barely made it off the bed, when Negan's hand went around my throat.

"Where the hell is he?" He yelled.

"Where is who? Your hurting me?"

"Daryl, where is he?"

"How the hell would I know? I've been with you all day Negan please."

He let go of my throat stepping back.

"If I found out you had anything to do with this. You'll never see your daughter again."

"Negan, please I've been with you all day. I didn't do anything I swear to god."

"You better hope so. When I find him, I'm gona let Shane do as he pleases."

He left slamming and locking the door behind him.

I fell to my knees crying. He got out. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He got out.

"Emma, Emma!"

I woke up looking into the face of Negan's wife Sherry.

"What the fuck do you want."

"Look we don't have much time. I'm getting you out of here. Daryl and Jesus are waiting just up the road for us."

"How do I know I can trust you?" 

"You'll just have to take a leap of faith. We have 10 minutes before the guards are back in postion. That's 10minutes to get out and as far away as we can."

Not really having much of a choice I got dressed and headed out behind her. It was a little scary roaming in this place at night. It was dark and quiet.

"Okay." She whispered. There's a hole cut in the fence that's gona lead us out of here. Take this knife, if we get seperated run two miles North and start checking the trees. That's where Jesus and Daryl will be."

"Thank you Sherry."

"Don't thank me yet. Come on lets go."

Once through the fence we ran as fast as we could. Killing the few walkers we came to. My legs started to burn after awhile but I kept going. Knowing Daryl and Hunter was what lay ahead.

I heard a rustling behind us grabbing my knife I prepared to fight either a walker or a savior.

"Em, it's me."

"Daryl!"......I ran to him throwing myself around him.

"It's okay Em, I'm here I got you now."

"I love you."

"I love you to Em.....Come on we gotta get out of here."

We walked to a near by little town getting a car and what little gas we could. Jesus and Sherry took the car, while Daryl and I were on the bike.

Once we were inside the walls at hilltop Maggie and Sasha came out to greet us.

"Maggie?" I whispered confused. We tightly hugged each other. They said you were dead I cried.

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