Please No!

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Dad and Daryl came back as it started to get dark.

"You can't just leave her out there." Carol said. "She's just a little girl."

"Out in the dark we'd do no good just be tripping over ourselves." Daryl said.

"She's only 12 you can't leave her."

"I know this is hard I'm asking you not to panic." Dad pleaded.

"How could you just leave her out there to begin with? She's just a little girl."

"I had to they were right on us. They would have got us both if I didn't lead them off."

Lori came taking Carol back to the RV.

The next day Daryl organized a search plan.

"Alright everyone gets a weapon."Shane said. Laying out the collection Carl had found the day before.

"Where's the guns?" Andrea asked. "I aint going without a gun."

"We don't need a bunch of guns out there people popping off at every little noise they hear." Shane said.

"Why does she get a gun?" She asked pointing at me.

"Rick,Daryl,Emma and I will be carrying. She gets one cause she's had training on how and when to use it." Shane snapped.

Andrea scoffed walking off.

Carl had tried talking to Shane and again he blew him off.

"I think Shane's mad at me. Did I do something wrong?" He asked me.

"No Carl you did nothing. Shane's a little mad at me. He's just taking it out on everyone. Plus he's worried about Sophia. You didn't do anything I promise." I said kissing his head.

After awhile we heard church bells ringing. Thinking it could be Sophia we ran.

"That's not the right church there's no steeple." Shane said.

We ran towards it anyway. Pulling the doors open there were 4 walkers inside. Daryl,Dad,Shane and I all took one.

"Yo JC you taking request Daryl joked. Making us laugh.

The bells started ringing again. We ran outside seeing it was a loud speaker hooked up on a timer.

"I'm going back in for a minute." Carol said. Walking back into the church.

"Shane....goddamn it Shane stop."

"What is it Emma?"

"You have to stop, what your doing to Carl its not fair. Its me your pissed at."

"Well I'll be gone soon."

"Your really leaving then?"

"I told you I can't stay here. Seeing you everyday feeling about you the way I do." 

"So just sneak off. Don't say a word to anyone?"

"Yeah I think that's best don't you?"

"Don't you put this on me Shane. I never asked or told you to go. You made that decision yourself."

"I'm trying to put distance with Carl with you. It won't be easy on anyone. Least of all me. I'm the one losing you."

I saw Andrea pop around the corner and I walked off.

"Stay away from me Andrea. You were a mistake." I heard Shane say as he walked away from her.

Turning back she was glaring in my direction.

I walked off by myself. Did I really want Shane to leave? Was I mad enough at him to want him gone? I didn't....I didn't wana see him go.

Dad and Shane were gona go a little longer. The rest of us heading back to the highway. Carl talked dad into letting him go with them.

"This is the plan?" Carol asked.

"I guess we just whittle down into smaller groups." Daryl said.

"Carrying knives and pointy sticks Andrea said looking at me.

"Do you want it Andrea? Here take it. Cauae I'm sick of the looks your giving me. All of you. Carol I'm so sorry I can't imagine what your going through. But you have to stop blaming my dad. It's in your face everytime you look at him. He didn't hesitate to go after her not for a second. We don't know that anyone else could have done it any differently."

"Anybody?" I asked.

"Y'all look to him then you blame him. If you can do any better then do it."

Andrea handed me back my gun.

"We should keep moving."she said.

"I keep hoping and praying we find her. That she don't end up like Amy." Carol said. "Andrea I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

"It's alright I know." She said.

"Hoping and praying ain't doing nothing. We're gona find that little girl. Jesus people am I the only zen one out here?" Daryl stated.

I chuckled at the thought of Daryl zen doing yoga.

"What's so funny girl?" He said bumping my shoulder.

"You being zen." I said.

"Why's that funny......"

"I'm looking for a Lori and Emma." A girl said riding in on a horse.

"Over here." Lori said.

"Rick sent me there's been an accident. Carl's been shot."

"What?" I said.

"Just hop on both of you we don't have time." Were a mile down look for the mailbox that says Greene." She told the other's.

When we got to the farmhouse. Dad came out telling us what happened. We walked into the room. Carl laid motionless on the bed. Bloody rags everywhere. Lori crawled on the bed beside him. Shane grabbed my hand.

I ran to the porch barely making it. I threw up over the rail. Shane came up behind me pulling my hair from my face.

"It's ok. Let it out." He said rubbing my back.

"Is he gona die Shane?" I asked through tears.

He pulled me to his chest. "I don't know baby." He said kissing the top of my head.

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