No way out.

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I waited on the porch with Olivia and Hunter most of the day. Dad and Morgan had left earlier to go find Carol. Daryl or none of the others were back yet.

"Hey Emma you busy?" Enid asked walking onto the porch.

"No what's up?"

"Maggie asked me to come get you."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

"Okay let's go."

When we got there turns out all Mags wanted was a haircut. She felt it was time for a change. 

"So what do you think? I asked when I was done.

"I have to keep going, I don't want nothing getting in my way. It's great thank you." She winced.

"Mags you alright?"

"Yea I......aaaahhhh!" She screamed out holding her stomach.

Maggie?....Enid Go get help hurry!" I yelled.

"Come on Mags, lay back I got you."

I craddled her as she screamed waiting for someone to come help us.

By the time dad and Sasha got to us she was burning up. It was agreed we'd take her to Hilltop. She needed to see Dr. Carson.

"Emma, stay here wait for Daryl and the others."

"I'm not leaving her she's my best friend, and her husband went to get mine. I'm staying with her."

"Fine, go get the girls squared away with Olivia."

I grabbed the keys from his pocket before walking off.

"What are you doing?"

"Just so you can't leave me." I smiled.

I got Olivia with the girls. Dad,Carl and I getting things we would need put into the RV.

"Any change?" Sasha asked.

"She's getting worse."

"Taking the RV means you got room for more. Their out there you might need help. I'll go to." Abraham said.

Sasha,Eugune and Aaron also loaded up with us.

Father Gabriel was going over what to do if the saviors came while we were gone.

"My first priority is Judith and Hunter." He looked to me.

"Thank you Gabriel." I said kissing his cheek.

"I will not fail you."

"I know you won't. Tell Daryl when he gets back I'll be home soon."

When we left I sat in the back with Maggie holding her hand.

"It's gona be okay Mags. Dr.Carson will get you fixed up. The baby is gona be fine."

"How do you know?"

"Because your one of the toughest people I know. So that baby is to."

"Love you Em."

"Love you Mags. Get some rest okay? I'll be right over here."

A little while later the RV came to a stop. Dad and I walked up front.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"Enemy close. We doing this?" Abraham questioned.

"No." Dad said as he made his way out of the RV.

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