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Later in the day Maggie,Glenn and Tara were preparing to leave with Abraham, Rosita and Eugune.

"I'm gona miss you." I said hugging Maggie.

"I'm gona miss you to." She reached for Hunter.

"Everything's gona be fine don't worry and we'll see you soon." Glenn said pulling me in.

"I know....take care of her."

I stepped back giving everyone else a chance to say goodbye. I hated seeing Maggie go she's my best friend.

I turned to head back inside when Maggie came up to Hunter and I again, hugging us both.

"I love you." She said kissing Hunter's head.

"We love you to. See you soon."

Abraham gave dad a map, showing the route they were gona take.

Later that night after putting Hunter to bed. I sat out on the steps with Michonne. We talked about  life before and since. Anything other than the crap happening right now. 

We heard a loud crunching in the larger hedge across the yard. We quietly made our way over. Thinking it was walkers. Instead Daryl stepped through.

"Daryl?" I ran to him throwing my arms around his neck crying.

"It's alright. It's ok Em I'm here. Don't cry."

I kissed him repeatedly forgetting all about Michonne.

"Where's Carol?" She asked.

He was quiet for a moment before he called to someone else.

"It's okay you can come out."

A boy about my age stepped out.

"This is Noah....let's go inside everyone else should hear this to."

When we got inside the first thing he did bypassing everyone and their questions he went to Hunter.

I smiled as I watched him bend down kissing her little forehead.

He then told us about why him and Carol had left. How they found Beth. Noah the boy with him, knew how to get in and out of the place she was in.

Dad then told him everything that had happened here. When he heard about Gareth his grip on me tightened. After everyone was filled in we went to bed. Tommrow plans would be made to get Carol and Beth back.

"I'm sorry I left you two Em. I wasn't here to protect you. If they had hurt either of you..."

"We're okay. We were safe. Was just worried about you. I thought I lost you. I can't ever lose you."

"Don't cry Em, your not gona lose me. I'll always come back for you, both of you."

He pulled me so that I was now sitting on his lap facing him.

Soon our kisses turned heated he left a trail down my neck before coming back to my mouth.

I chuckled pulling back. "We're not alone."

"Ugh." He groaned. Laying his head onto my chest.

"Anybody in that office over there." He asked pointing.

We got up heading towards Gabriel's office. We opened the door not noticing anyone. Daryl pushed me against the wall smashing his lips against mine. His hands and mine both roaming each other.

"Ahem." We heard immediately pulling apart. Both of us embarrassed seeing Ty laying a few feet from us on the floor.

"I'm sorry Ty." I said as we backed out of the room.

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